Why? You ask. Well I'll tell you. It’s because to have to do that I would not only have to sit through the full length of this bullshit in real time (!) but I would also have to experience it all first hand and do all the same bullshit that guy had to endure before he even got a taste of any action. I’d rather be killed. I mean come on, learn the ways of the forest?
Fuck you and your fucking forest! I hope it and you burn!
Having to become one with something I have to ride around with by sticking our stupid pony tail things together in some weird homoerotic kind of way? No, fuck you! I won't do it, I'd rather you shoot me down the urethra with one of your poison darts! At least then I’d die with a little fucking dignity (after I’ve run around the forest screaming and shitting as many times as possible on the sacred plants, of course).
And the rest of that crap;
Hanging around with Sigourney Weaver!?! Are you fucking kidding me!
Living in a big tree? Fuck off!
Being blue? No, no, no. I'll say it again, FUCK YOU!
Fuck you, fuck your society, and fuck everyone else. I wish death upon you all.