The profile for Lakshmi Rai has pictures of two different women. Apparently, Lakshmi Rai is a famous Indian actress who (according to her profile here) has been in the film industry since 2005. See her main profile pic as well as
this Google Images collection.
Then there is this other woman whose gallery is tied to the same profile. According to Boho Nude Art, her name is simply Lakshmi, so it would be a little hard to differentiate her in the FreeOnes database. Also, this one is quite obviously an erotic model, not an actress, who's been active since at least 2023 and what looks like her latest work has been put out there some mere 10 days ago.
Check out her work.
I think these profiles should be split ... or at least the one we have right now should be amended to the specs of the erotic model, but if you want to keep the info on the actress as well, that should be a different profile.
(Then there's the matter of adding more galleries of the erotic model as I do not see the "Add" button (with the plus icon) next to Lakshmi's name, but that would probably have to be a different report.)