Here's what I don't get. A typical tea-partier who doesn't want to be "forced" to pay (by taxes) for someone else's healthcare usu. says that we should leave it to private charities - typically church groups - to pick up where the govt. programs end (or don't exist).
What I'm wondering is, why should we trust these people (who laugh and cheer when someone dies because they were *fill in the blank w/ unflattering characterization: too stupid, too lazy, etc.* to get/have insurance) to fund private charities, or even work for them, if this is their attitude? I'm guessing that they would STILL find them undeserving if they came to their church or church-based charity asking for food or medical care. Another convenient saw I hear from many right-wing religious zealots is the old "The poor will always be with us." And when they say that, it doesn't sound tragic or sad, it sounds more like a rationalization with an implied "Why bother trying?"
And then there's the paradox of how some of these folks also don't believe in the separation of church and state. If we actually became the United States of Jesus and The Ten Commandmants would they be okay then if we kept our tax structure in place and just called it The April Offering, with a progressive donation suggestion? Then I suppose we'd get Holy Rollers proposing a Flat Offering. Dang, foiled again....