At what age should girls be allowed to use porn?

A response/companion to this thread.
It's naive in this day and age to think that chicks don't watch porn, maybe not as much as dudes, but they are consumers. And don;t forget to take into account romance novels which can rival Penthouse Forum for their explicitness.
Same age as boys in my opinion. It is the same age for boys and girls when it comes to smoking and drinking, might as well be the same for porn.
I said 9 1/2 for boys so I suppose the same, equality is what you will get in a BlueBalls government. Equality and terror!
The vast majority of teens are not prepared for sexual relations. Teens make lousy parents. I'm in favor of a "realistic" and "reasonable" age for porn consumption. I think 15-18 somewhere in there...if we go with a younger age (say 13) than we open the door for sexual exploitation by companies to begin even earlier! For the sanctity of western society, we may need to pick an older age....
So I don't get in trouble I'm going to say 18..... oh who the hell am I kidding. But seriously, I'd say high school age, 15 to 18 too. Once kids are in high school they get exposed to everything anyway.
It seems like many girls start to talk about sex at the young age of 13.
Miley Cyrus talks about it at the age of 15.
Girls should stay away from it until they are at least 16 and I preferred 18.

That stupid under aged girl could be influenced by the so called glamor of a pornstar, take a pic of herself, it could be in a group of pics you download of legal chicks.
Cops look at your computer find that one F'n chick and now you are booked for having child porn on your computer!
Fuck that!
I say 18 for girls! Keeps me out of trouble!


what the fuck you lookin at?
I really don't get the question.
Well whatever rule applies to boys should apply to girls.

Most girls are not really interested in looking at porn anyway. My interest in it is more got to do with admiring the girls who do it.

It also has to do with the fact that I think it is normal and healthy for men to feel a physical need to masturbate in a way girls mostly don't and to enjoy and getting sexual pleasure from looking at girls bodies and as a girl I like that.

I like the fact that your body could be giving pleasure to men, being able to give pleasure and enjoyment is a good thing. It can be really nice when men like to look at you - if they are nor some one creepy. Seeing girls in porn can give you much more confidence about that and about your body generally. It can also be educational about what you can do when having sex and to be more confident about that too although I am well aware that sex in real life is like heavily edited porn shot with professional skilled performers. But then people read books and watch tv programmes and films that are not exactly fully realistic and learn stuff about life from them too.

Girls mostly are not going to look at porn the way guys do anyway. Generally there are differences in the ways boys and girls react to sex, and I like that. I like the fact that men are different, I like the differences, and I like men enjoying porn or lap dancers or whatever and masturbating to it. Coming here is for me seeing into a man's world and getting more of an idea of what goes on inside of men.

So part of my point is that most girls are not going to watch porn the ways guys do. They will look at it for information about sex and about boys.

But I hate the idea that teenage girls or boys are not supposed to see porn. And it is part of the idea that adults are often sort of ashamed of porn too. I feel as a girl that it says that some how there is something wrong with my naked body, that it is dangerous for people to see it.

Maybe if porn were generally and openly available and the women who worked in adult and sex industry were respected better (and it would be OK for your teenage daughter to think about a career in porn) then we would all be a lot less uptight about sex, we would have better friendships between men and women and the standard of porn would improve to show this.

Right now I think that we are afraid of the fact that men like and desire girls' bodies and men are sort of afraid of the power that they think that it gives girls over them so that instead of being able to enjoy and celebrate this we bury it and because of this we end up with exploitation in sex and porn and a lot of bad quality porn.

Anyway I have been aware of porn as far as I can remember and of sex too although I only started to look at porn less than a year ago.
Legally, I'd argue that there shouldn't be any age for either males or females. If you have a moral opposition to your children viewing porn, then its your responsibility as a parent to regulate if/when they see it. Don't expect the government to do your job.

As far as the question of girls viewing porn specifically, I'm going to buck the trend here and say that parents should set a higher age for girls to view porn than boys. Body image problems among teen girls are rampant. The last thing that girls today need is to see the absurdly unrealistic body of the average pornstar and be told through the content, "Unless you look like this artwork of plastic surgery, you'll never be sexually desirable." Its an issue that boys face far less since, 1) body image problems for boys aren't nearly as common as they are for girls, and 2) many of the men in porn are old, overweight, and butt ugly.

I'm certainly not going to say this is a universal rule, which is exactly why it should be regulated by parents, not government mandates. I'm sure there are plenty of girls who are capable of distinguishing the artificial reality of porn from the healthy goals of real life. And I'm sure the age at which they're able to do that is different in every girl. But as a rule of thumb, I'd say the issue of girls viewing porn is a bit more complicated than it is for boys and demands waiting a bit longer before they're exposed to it.
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Maybe if porn were generally and openly available and the women who worked in adult and sex industry were respected better (and it would be OK for your teenage daughter to think about a career in porn) then we would all be a lot less uptight about sex, we would have better friendships between men and women and the standard of porn would improve to show this.

Completely agree with this.
When they want too, because it means they are ready for it.
Well, anyone who advocates a double standard is going to have a really hard time getting people to accept it. I don't even want to think about the question of whether the age should be different for boys and girls. It's a minefield.

But, as I said in the other thread, the word "allowed" in the thread title is misleading. If parents actually control their kids lives sufficiently to absolutely prevent them from accessing porn, then the family is probably pretty screwed up, and the children are likely to grow up with much worse problems than they might have gotten by viewing porn at too early an age. And if the government controls people's lives sufficiently to absolutely prevent certain people from accessing porn, then we're in real trouble. (I'm not saying we shouldn't have laws regulating what kids can do; I just think that, in practice, the laws have to be more like "guidelines," because the apparatus required to enforce them effectively would be too intrusive.)

So a lot of kids are going to be looking at porn anyhow, at an age largely determined by their own curiosity. I think the only solution is for parents (and teachers?) to talk to their kids about porn at early age (before puberty). Parents can give their own opinions about whether porn is evil, but they need to emphasize the fact that porn can be very misleading if you try to use it to learn about sex -- or about standards of beauty. Contrary to the platitude, we need more talk and less action!
Contrary to the platitude, we need more talk and less action!

Well written.

But it is also hard for parents or adults in general to tell their teenage children who are full of sexual feelings just as the adults are that looking at porn is wrong when it is obvious that so many adults look at it and that probably their own dad
uses it or has used it at some time. It is hypocrisy.
But it is also hard for parents or adults in general to tell their teenage children who are full of sexual feelings just as the adults are that looking at porn is wrong when it is obvious that so many adults look at it and that probably their own dad
uses it or has used it at some time. It is hypocrisy.

It could be hypocritical, but I was kind of assuming that if the parents think that porn is evil, they wouldn't be looking at it themselves. Then again, a lot of people really are hypocritical about that; if they can be hypocritical with their friends and associates, or with the public, why not with their children too? And bear in mind that, with smoking, it's pretty common for parents who smoke to tell their kids it's a bad thing to do.

But I think even parents who are against porn can talk about it with their kids without necessarily saying explicitly that it's wrong. They can discuss the reasons why they are against it and then let their children make up their own minds.
But I think even parents who are against porn can talk about it with their kids without necessarily saying explicitly that it's wrong. They can discuss the reasons why they are against it and then let their children make up their own minds.

I agree.

But I think it would be good as well if teenagers were given the space to discuss it among themselves, boys and girls together, in a way that they had to show respect for what other people felt about it. That would help them, boys and girls, to understand how each other felt about it. I do not think adults do this very well with each other. Maybe if teenagers were helped to do this you would get a lot of healthier adults and healthier more open attitudes to enjoying sex and better quality porn in the future.