At what age should girls be allowed to use porn?

But I think it would be good as well if teenagers were given the space to discuss it among themselves, boys and girls together, in a way that they had to show respect for what other people felt about it. That would help them, boys and girls, to understand how each other felt about it. I do not think adults do this very well with each other. Maybe if teenagers were helped to do this you would get a lot of healthier adults and healthier more open attitudes to enjoying sex and better quality porn in the future.

I agree. Another case where we need more talk and less action.
I think that they should REWARD porn to kids just starting high school for good behavior. Most kids see porn at the end of Elementary anyway.

brb fbi
The age legally set by the county you live in. I'm well aware of the fact that most/everyone watches porn at an earlier age, but adults shouldn't promote such behaviour, as there probably is a perfectly good reason for setting a minimum age to do/watch anything (I have to admit, I don't know it).

This is the same answer I would have given in the other thread, had it been bumped back up to the top of the talk forum.