Assassins Creed 2

What does everybody think to this? I picked it up the other day, having not played a demo or watched a trailer or anything, and only ever played the first one once or twice, and I gotta say the game is amazing!

Very addictive with lots of stuff to do, if they had some sort of online feature then it would be cool but even without it its a great game, I'd recommend it to anyone reading this who thought about getting it but didnt.
I love this game. Like you said very addictive.
registartion of trophy information could not be completed - anyone been getting this message when trying to load a game today. its been happening to me all day ive been trying to load assassins creed 2 but i kept getting this message. i even went as far as to delete the game and reboot it and still registartion of trophy information could not be completed i checked some forums and it looks as though others are getting the message just wondering if anyone else is having this problem with assassins 2
this game became my mortal enemy after the 1st one was super repetitive and then on the last mission i got some glitch which kept having me fall through the ground and into the "underground" of the gaming world dimension.
i traded it in and vowed never to play it again.
registartion of trophy information could not be completed - anyone been getting this message when trying to load a game today. its been happening to me all day ive been trying to load assassins creed 2 but i kept getting this message. i even went as far as to delete the game and reboot it and still registartion of trophy information could not be completed i checked some forums and it looks as though others are getting the message just wondering if anyone else is having this problem with assassins 2

This has been happening to every PS3 user. (everyone who owns the old "fat" versions of PS3's are effected, slimlines are fine) If you google the error code that comes up, Error Code 8005010F, then you'll get some info on it.

Sony are aware of this and are working on it, its been said its best not to play trophy enabled games until its fixed, because if you do get a trophy while its like this, it could delete all your trophy data and corrupt game saves and such.

The weirdest thing is that theres alot of games you can't play OFFLINE :confused:, I cant play my FF8 DLC either because DLC's get timestamped when downloaded, and one of the errors involved in this PSN crash is that the time and dates on all "fat" PS3's have reverted back to 1/1/1999.

Anyway it should be fixed soon enough, its been said it should be fixed today (Monday) at around 6pm, so hang tight until then. If not then there may be a firmware release from Sony to fix this problem.
this game became my mortal enemy after the 1st one was super repetitive and then on the last mission i got some glitch which kept having me fall through the ground and into the "underground" of the gaming world dimension.
i traded it in and vowed never to play it again.

Yeah i heard about that but they've patched that now so it shouldn't happen.
this game became my mortal enemy after the 1st one was super repetitive and then on the last mission i got some glitch which kept having me fall through the ground and into the "underground" of the gaming world dimension.
i traded it in and vowed never to play it again.

I'm with you man the first one was a horrible game definitely the most pointless missions ever.
This is one of my favorite games on the XBOX 360. The first one was mediocre but this one surpassed it by leaps and bounds. It's only the third game that I was able to get all of the achievements for.
I thoroughly enjoyed Assassin's Creed 2. Much more variation, and a pretty damn good overall story. Highly recommend it.
i have a feeling its going to suck, i bought assassins creed 1 and never even got half way through it becuase it was all repeating the same shit

i will not be buying this one


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
i have a feeling its going to suck, i bought assassins creed 1 and never even got half way through it becuase it was all repeating the same shit

i will not be buying this one

Your loss.
Brotherhood will be awesome. The multiplayer part looks great aswell, something different, assassinating your opponents instead of headshotting them :)
Brotherhood will be awesome. The multiplayer part looks great aswell, something different, assassinating your opponents instead of headshotting them :)

From what I understand, multiplayer can be confusing as hell though. I haven't tried it out, only single player so far, but all the reviews I've read say that it's difficult to pick up your target at times because there's 5-6 of the same character model on screen.
From what I understand, multiplayer can be confusing as hell though. I haven't tried it out, only single player so far, but all the reviews I've read say that it's difficult to pick up your target at times because there's 5-6 of the same character model on screen.

On screen, sure, but within radar, no. The most I've ever seen within full radar (the entire circle fills) was 4, and that was just once. The whole idea is that you have to be patient and methodical. You really need to play a few games to rightfully judge.

I'm not trying to defend it though. The problem I have with it is that I feel like the game decides the winner, not you or your skill. Where you spawn in relation to your target and your pursuer (and/or where they spawn) is EVERYTHING. And you can only stun when the prompt appears, which means you can see a killer coming at you, and you're boned unless you find that magic millisecond in which you can hit the button to defend yourself.
On screen, sure, but within radar, no. The most I've ever seen within full radar (the entire circle fills) was 4, and that was just once. The whole idea is that you have to be patient and methodical. You really need to play a few games to rightfully judge.

I'm not trying to defend it though. The problem I have with it is that I feel like the game decides the winner, not you or your skill. Where you spawn in relation to your target and your pursuer (and/or where they spawn) is EVERYTHING. And you can only stun when the prompt appears, which means you can see a killer coming at you, and you're boned unless you find that magic millisecond in which you can hit the button to defend yourself.

I played multiplayer today and my overwhelming feeling was that the spawning system was a joke. Eight times in a row I spawned with the person hunting me already in striking range. I didn't even get a chance to find my target. The luck factor needs to be balanced, like ASAP.