Assassins Creed 2


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I wish .
they'd bring out a PSP version.
I didn't wanna buy another console after my N64, but then those Geniuss (Genii?) bought out Prince of Persia and I had to get one :(
But now I damned well refuse to upgrade, assasins creed, Ace Combat or no!


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I wish .
they'd bring out a PSP version.
I didn't wanna buy another console after my N64, but then those Geniuss (Genii?) bought out Prince of Persia and I had to get one :(
But now I damned well refuse to upgrade, assasins creed, Ace Combat or no!
I played multiplayer today and my overwhelming feeling was that the spawning system was a joke. Eight times in a row I spawned with the person hunting me already in striking range. I didn't even get a chance to find my target. The luck factor needs to be balanced, like ASAP.

I just topped that this morning with an entire game without being alive for more than 3 seconds. Literally. My frustration with the online component is growing mightily.
i love the game
I love this game but will waiting for localized pc version.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I actually got Three kills and Zero deaths in Manhunt.
Just picked it up at gamestop and I'm loving it so far. First was fun too. Brotherhood looks fun, but i'll hold up till end of finals for that one.