Ask the person below you a question

I don't know (smack)

Why do most people think that they are better, then someone else?
Acting out as superior often hides a low self-esteem inside.

What do you want for Christmas?
The same thing as you... and it won't happend for me either :(

Which pet would you like have?
I already have a cat... but i could handle another one :D

What is your biggest hobby (FreeOnes browsing aside ;))?
Reading and movie watching (both eating as much of my leisure time!)

How many children in your ideal family? ( can be 0 )


Pending Official Checked Star Member
Two would be nice someday. none for now

Victoria's secret or Fredricks of hollywood?
The pre-europeean Aztec empire (there is organised tours).

Which thing you couldn't live without?