Ask the person below you a question


Closed Account
1977 fire bird.

when was the last time you cooked for someone else?


Nikki Benz: Simply the best #1!!
at home and watching the games I could... all ITALY's matches I've seen and they deserved to be world champions!!

what's your favorite NHL/NBA team and who do you think will win them?

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
at home and watching the games I could... all ITALY's matches I've seen and they deserved to be world champions!!
what's your favorite NHL/NBA team and who do you think will win them?

:rofl: hahahahahaha they definately didnt deserve it.

NHL - Red Wings
NBA - Spurs / Pistons

me dont know who will win

Whats your favorite smiley here on the board?


Closed Account
Paint, to be clear that's on canvas not the sigs in paint although I like that too.

Do you like sweets or just good food better?


Closed Account
I'm not much on sweets so good food for me.

What kind sandwich do you like best?


Nikki Benz: Simply the best #1!!
french bread with butter and ham!!!

who will win the UEFA Champions League?

:rofl: hahahahahaha they definately didnt deserve it.
who deserved then??
they only took 2 goals in the whole Cup... one own goal against the USA and 1 penalty goal against France that it wasn't a penalty kick there!


Closed Account
I dont watch that so no clue.

How did you find freeones?


Closed Account
Not you. :D

what kind of coffee do you drink?