Ask the person below you a question


Closed Account
Would a Woodchuck Chuck. :D

Have you got your car or tuck updated for winter yet?
there's absolutely no need, it doesn't get cold until January until then it's either hot, raining or a beautiful day. :thumbsup:

Are you a jacket or coat person? or do you try to show how tuff you are by going outside with a tanktop and jeans..


Closed Account
I'm more of a jacket then wearing a coat.

Do you like watching football?
fuuuck yes.

Why is Ax3c still banned from freeones and Friday isn't..? :confused:


Closed Account
...I'm not at liberty to discuss. Oh hell, its kind of like the three strike law. ;)

Is the moon made of cheese or ............


Closed Account
is made of jello.

What search engine do you use the most?
you need to slow down

Where will Joe Torre work now


Closed Account
I hope somewhere he will be happy.

How do you deal with stress?


Closed Account
Rest and not much more then that.

How much water do you drink in a week?
turkey. smoked. *it's almost thanksgiving*

Who's going to be the first to 200 rep pts


Closed Account
I say a 8.

Are you looking foreword to Christmas?
a little

So what about a non-average, extraordinary day? :eek:


Postal Paranoiac
Almost any one of the pets laws.:confused:

Is there a jar of mayonnaise in your refrigerator?