Ask the person below you a question


Closed Account
Yes, and FUCK yes. Unfortunately, I cannot afford to buy them myself :(

Ever win an eating contest?

...sell a member of your family to slavery?
Of course not, there's no such thing as a heterosexual female. :D

How long should a fully charged cell phone last? I barely get twelve hours of standby on mine. :confused: :wave2:
At least 5 days of standby and 12 hrs of usage-time. But in a perfect world we wouldn't need cellphones, really that's a pointless question :tongue:

What sex position is the integral of 2xdx from 10 to 13 ?
350hp - 420hp? I tried googling it but got both answers.

Have you ever eaten food that was previously in a vagina?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Yes, I have

Played any good games lately?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Uh.... Dare I say yes?

Would you eat BlueBalls' meat?