Ask the person below you a question

Cash, hopefully then I wont have to fake a liking for something I have no idea what to do with.

How tall is your tree, if you have one?
I havent made one this year. I live alone and i'm not expecting visitors so...

Your favorite Christmas movie?


Closed Account
Scrooge (the old black and white one).

What will Saudi Arabia become when the oil runs out/people stop buying it?


Nikki Benz: Simply the best #1!!
Vincent Price.

How about Saudi and the oil as I posted above?
sorry... when I opened the thread the last question was the Christmas one... so Saudi Arabia and the oil... they will need to get new buyers! ;)

what are your wishes for 2009??
I don't think so... but it's very possible :(

Do you think the US car industry will found its way out of the crisis?