Ask the person below you a question

never heard of Philip K Dick Novel

can you speak 2 or more languages?
The guy who made me.

Did you get your tonsils removed as a kid?
Eye and ear when I was a kid.

Have you ever worn a real flower lei?
Yes. When I vacationed in Hawaii and when I graduated college.

Have you ever had just a total shit day where you didn't want to see or talk to anyone, but just be by yourself?
Can't say I do.

Have you made an ass of yourself in the past 24 hours?
^ Dude! WTF?!? The point of the thread is to answer the question made by the previous poster, and to ask the next poster a question, hence the name of the thread "Ask the person below you a question." It seems to me like you just fucked up the game. I hope that, since the game has technically just ended on your last post, no moderator closes it. I'll see if I can save the game.

Since KBM just screwed this game up, should we end this one and start a new "Ask the person below you a question" thread?
Yoda's light saber duel.

What's the weather like right now?