Official Checked Star Member
Did you stop skating?
yeah I stopped during my mid teens...I grew up in a small town and my parents didn't have a lot of money a lot of the time, so as I kept advancing in my skating, the costs were getting to be too much so I had to quit. Sucks, but thats life ya know.
Apart from your looks, what are the other traits of your personality you are proud of?
I'm very independent, and don't rely on anyone for anything. I love that about myself, because I got told at a young age that my best hope would be to marry someone who's successful because I wouldn't ever amount to anything on my own two feet. Motivated me to work hard, and now I'm 27 years old, in my dream condo, living my life and enjoying my life and most importantly, have a job that I absolutely LOVE being able to fund all of that. Not many people can even say they love their career but I love both of mine. (camming and photography)
Do you still get out on the ice and skate?
yeah I do in the winter. I'm lucky being in Canada, there are a crapload of arenas here for the hockey fans, but also alot of outdoor rinks set up in every city, so finding a place to skate is easy. Its theraputic to me, just lacing up some skates and going around a rink with my ipod...good exercise too.