Ask me (SpexyAshleigh) any question you want!


Official Checked Star Member
Did you stop skating?

yeah I stopped during my mid teens...I grew up in a small town and my parents didn't have a lot of money a lot of the time, so as I kept advancing in my skating, the costs were getting to be too much so I had to quit. Sucks, but thats life ya know.

Apart from your looks, what are the other traits of your personality you are proud of?

I'm very independent, and don't rely on anyone for anything. I love that about myself, because I got told at a young age that my best hope would be to marry someone who's successful because I wouldn't ever amount to anything on my own two feet. Motivated me to work hard, and now I'm 27 years old, in my dream condo, living my life and enjoying my life and most importantly, have a job that I absolutely LOVE being able to fund all of that. Not many people can even say they love their career but I love both of mine. (camming and photography)

Do you still get out on the ice and skate?

yeah I do in the winter. I'm lucky being in Canada, there are a crapload of arenas here for the hockey fans, but also alot of outdoor rinks set up in every city, so finding a place to skate is easy. Its theraputic to me, just lacing up some skates and going around a rink with my ipod...good exercise too.


Official Checked Star Member
do you accept naughty questions too ?

depends on how invasive they are - if you're asking about my sex life/relationships, thats a no no. If you're just asking my sexual preferences...thats cool :)
Oh but don't be disappointed with my answers...I'm not an actual pornstar, so if you ask me how many gangbangs I've had or how many loads I've taken on my face...yeah my answers are boring lol
hi there hope things are going well for you :)

to all of Spexy's fans i requested she be added to the @allpornmodels list of favorite babes on twitter and after over a month of waiting:sleep: she was added early this morning :clap: so show some love and vote for @SpexyAshleigh here
lets get here in the top 50 where she belongs :D

psss, you can vote as much as you want :thumbsup:

oh i know your not a porn model but the list also consist of cam girls and softcore models not just hardcore models :facepalm:
Spexy I need some moral support here, please!! To keep a story short, I was standing in a crowded train platform where almost everyone was packed like sardines because the Train was delayed for an hour.. Anyway, I see this empty space behind this HOT girl with a the sexist round bumble bee ass, with legs going on forever... so I basically moved to stand behind her about a feet away. Then I catch this old guy, staring at me with the MOST hateful eyes as if I was doing something naughty to her. He kept looking at me.. I could feel his blood boil. WTF?!! UGHH I don't get it.. do you think it's wrong, because I never touched her! I bet He wouldn't care if the girl was old and fat.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
I have a basic silly question, do you like Italian cuisine and if so what's your favorite italian dish? lol
what type of music do you like? metal, rap rock, techno?
holy threadbump batman lol. I like all kinds of music, I listen to everything from rock, pop, rap, country, opera, classical and everything in between. I like variety :)

YAY you answered my question! some of my favorites are. Aqua, Ayria, Blood Stain Child, Bloodparade, Creedence clearwater revival, The Devil Wears Prada, Eths, Fear Factory, Garth Brooks, In Flames, Seal, Soilwork, The Zombies. my list could go on and on....

i used to like The Birthday Massacre....but i had a fallen out with them.....i don't want to talk about it out in the open


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Dear Spexy

I have a question for you: What the FUCK is wrong with sam fisher?

Yours sincerely
-Vodkas Victim
Ashleigh!!! Hello my bacon loving, snow globe collecting friend. I have missed you. I need some dating advice.

I think there is a girl at my work who likes me because she will during the course of the day come over and talk with me, and then once in a while when I look over at her she smiles. Should I just take the chance and ask her out for coffee. I ask this because I thought I was getting the same vibe from another girl ata different job when I asked her out I got shut down. What are some good tell signs that a girl wants you or she just wants to be friends with you.

Dearest Spexy,

1. You're still answering questions in this thread? Props to you m'Lady, I don't check Freeones Talk much anymore due to the amount of stupid "Vs." threads

2. Why do girls flirt with a guy (i.e. me) and then when I flirt back they say it's moving too fast? (by the way, an example of my flirting is saying something like "Hey, let's have mouth sex")
Spexy, what kind of workouts do you do to keep your bumble bee ass in shape? :D


Official Checked Star Member
Ashleigh!!! Hello my bacon loving, snow globe collecting friend. I have missed you. I need some dating advice.

I think there is a girl at my work who likes me because she will during the course of the day come over and talk with me, and then once in a while when I look over at her she smiles. Should I just take the chance and ask her out for coffee. I ask this because I thought I was getting the same vibe from another girl ata different job when I asked her out I got shut down. What are some good tell signs that a girl wants you or she just wants to be friends with you.

Thanks this instance, theres not really any solid signs that she's interested in you since you work together so her talking to you and smiling could just be her being polite. BUT in saying that....yes you should ask her out for coffee! Go for it! If you don't, then nothing will ever happen, and its better to try and fail then not try at all :)

Dearest Spexy,

1. You're still answering questions in this thread? Props to you m'Lady, I don't check Freeones Talk much anymore due to the amount of stupid "Vs." threads

2. Why do girls flirt with a guy (i.e. me) and then when I flirt back they say it's moving too fast? (by the way, an example of my flirting is saying something like "Hey, let's have mouth sex")

Yeah I still post here occasionally but the entire forum has gotten a wee bit too moronic to bother much anymore lol. Most of the threads here don't interest me at all...but ANYWAYS...

mouth sex is moving to fast for some girls? jeez! What prudes!!!

Spexy, what kind of workouts do you do to keep your bumble bee ass in shape? :D

First - how can you act like nothing happened in the last 48 hours? You threw the death of my boyfriend out there in the forums and in my face to try to make reason of the fact that I don't like your big dick threads. Thats pretty shitty, and I'm sure anyone who's lost a loved one or spouse would agree with me. You're a dick.

BUT since I'm NOT a dick, I'll answer your question. I don't workout, at all. I eat what I want, when I want, and don't concern myself with the state of my body. I'm curvy, I embrace it. Working out is great if you're into it, or if you want to be super healthy...but for me, as long as my health isn't hurting and I'm not getting too chubby, I'm happy with the extra love on my body. :) Life is too short IMO to be that invested in personal appearance.