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Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Why is it wrong to shoot the drug trafficker after he's been told to stop?

Where can I buy Vans shoes and Ed Hardy clothing?

How many sheets of paper can one tree make?

What is meant by "All your base are belong to us"?

From yahoo answers: How does beer bad for your brain?

If I passed some gas into a ziploc bag and mailed it across the country would it keep the smell in the bag?

Why can’t you see peoples farts when its cold outside?
Mr T do you really really love me in the same way I love you?
can you help me with this? my hooker told me it and I couldnt figure it out and theres no way she is smarter than me :mad::mad::mad:

Three men walk inside a hotel and decide to stay for the night. They pay the price of $30 by splitting it so they each pay $10. They go up their room, but then the manager realizes that the price that night is $25 dollars so he sends $5 dollars up with the bell boy. The bellboy realizes that $5 can't be split by 3 so he pockets $2 and gives the men $1 each. But if you calculate it, the 3 men each payed $9, and 9 times 3 is 27, then add the $2 from the bellboy you got $29. Where did the last $1 go?

she tried to tell me she use to be a math teacher but wasnt making a enough lol go figure.

mr google

I hope you can forgive me for that house fire mistake thing? :shy:
Do you think dinosaurs hated their tiny, useless front legs?
Yes, it meant they couldn't blow their noses when they caught the flu from future time travellers. That's why they all died out. :(

Is there a lilttle piece of Duke Wellington in Beef Wellington?
Don't know who this Duke Wellington guy is. Sorry. :confused:

this is probarly allready asked, but just ask it again :
-Who's your favorite pornstar ?
and Did you ever meet her ?
her?!? :confused:
Why is it wrong to shoot the drug trafficker after he's been told to stop?

Where can I buy Vans shoes and Ed Hardy clothing?

How many sheets of paper can one tree make?

What is meant by "All your base are belong to us"?

From yahoo answers: How does beer bad for your brain?

If I passed some gas into a ziploc bag and mailed it across the country would it keep the smell in the bag?

Why can’t you see peoples farts when its cold outside?
I dunno?

From Vans shoes stockists & Ed Hardy Clothing stockists respectively.

One, but its a fucking big one!

Something to do with bases & to whom they belong I guess?

It slowly drowns the thoughtball in alcohol causing a dulling of the senses & slowing of reactions.

No. Sorry to say that doing this was a waste of time on your part.

You can. I suggest you get your eyes tested.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
Is Greg C really gone? If so, and a movie was made on his last day here, would his exit be similar to the end of the movie "Shane"?
Mr T do you really really love me in the same way I love you?

can you help me with this? my hooker told me it and I couldnt figure it out and theres no way she is smarter than me :mad::mad::mad:

Three men walk inside a hotel and decide to stay for the night. They pay the price of $30 by splitting it so they each pay $10. They go up their room, but then the manager realizes that the price that night is $25 dollars so he sends $5 dollars up with the bell boy. The bellboy realizes that $5 can't be split by 3 so he pockets $2 and gives the men $1 each. But if you calculate it, the 3 men each payed $9, and 9 times 3 is 27, then add the $2 from the bellboy you got $29. Where did the last $1 go?

she tried to tell me she use to be a math teacher but wasnt making a enough lol go figure.
Up the bellboys arse? :dunno:

What are some British movies you would recommend?

Tonally awful trailer, doesn't do the movie justice.


mr google



What's your favorite snack?
What time do you normally go to bed?
Are there any films that you've watched so many times that it feels like you were in the movie but you still can't help watching if they are on TV?
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