Ask me (mrtrebus) any question ya want (again or maybe for the first time)

If you could summarily dismiss one FreeOnes member to a lifetime ban, who would it be?
No one. We are all part of life's rich tapestry. One world. One race. One love.

So have I missed it .... I'm always late for everything!
No. There's room for you in my subterranean domain.

Are you as happy to see me as I am to see you?
More than you could know. More than I could express.
Why is this thread not in the games section?
How da fuck would I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Was King of the Board for a Day
If I was to drag a donkey scrotum across your face, would 2+2=5?