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Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Will Brett Favre retire?
Do you think there should be a limit/BP cap to the number of Americans that are allowed to post on this board? (except friends of Ry and Bree Olson)


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Preaching to the choir is it really worth it if they are aetheist?
Will thee american people start spending again??

In 3 months, 4 days & 12 hours they will collectively reject the concept of money & all future trade for goods & services will be conducted by an elaborate form of vocal technique.

As a result the deaf will become disenfranchised & rise up to kill all hearing humans, spreading this globally they will form a new world order.

This new age for our precious planet will be christened by future historians The Epoch of the Silent Earth.
i don't know if this is allready been asked, but still i ask it :

do you have a fetish ??
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