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Special Operations FOX-HOUND
1 A pizza/pasta restaurant chain.
2 A reference to oneself
3 Unspecific quantities
4 A statement of enquiry
5 A positive verbal response
6 A need
7 sexually stimulating media - film, pictoral, etc. Someone who performs in sexually stimulating media. Either a heavenly body or someone famous usually in the world of the performing arts.
8 Unable to answer. Individuals find different things sexy. The act of biological reproduction.

lol...i like your style mrtrebus :hatsoff:
Ginger or Maryanne??

Is it farther for me to go to Newark....or by train?
this is the thought that keeps me awake at night
Have you thought about eating oatmeal to take care of your constipation problem?


Will you finally watch Whiteout with me? Kate Beckinsale is a hottie.
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