Do you ever get mystified at the sheer number of fans who want to MARRY a pornstar? 
[B][URL=" said:Bree Olson[/URL][/B], post: 4046530, member: 370964"]Like the title says. For those that I haven't started talking to in PM's and whatnot... ask me anything you like or have ever wanted to know about me.
If you had three minutes to beat Vanilla Ice with an alarm clock...what Bel Biv DeVoe song would you listen to while doing it?
...also i was watching a porn documentary
some time ago and someone was talking about a porn star whose ass
hole fell out and she had to have surgery to put it back in again.
do you know anything about this happening to anyone in the porn
industry? :eek:
I have heard of it, but more of an urban legend. Do you remember the name of the show?
Where'd she go?