Ask MaleOneTwo anything!

To be honest I didn't follow much of ze NFL this year. I'm just going to watch ze Super Bowl. But I always liked Mark Sanchez. He's a good guy on the field. Just a bad season this year. And I don't know enough about Tim. So I'd take Mark. :)

Congratulations, you're qualified to coach the New York Jets!. In fact, are you sure your name isn't Rex? :suspicious:

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
So, who will make the elections this year?
I so don't care. They all suck donkey balls equally. As long as ze Grüne or ze Linke won't elected to government it can't get any worse...

Especially what do you think of the Pirate Party? Do you think they still have a good chance?

Congratulations, you're qualified to coach the New York Jets!. In fact, are you sure your name isn't Rex? :suspicious:
Does that mean Tebow is better? :confused: