Ask an American...


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
okay, you need to borrow. borrow borrow borrow. do it!!!! borrow!!!!!!!

okay sport is whack. don't look at sport too much cause you're going gay if you don't watch it.

same goes for cars. guys are rubbing off at cars. look at girls ass and tits every so often if you can be bothered.

oh hey. you need coche. clean coche. mercedes coche or saab coche. buy buy buy!!!!!!!

I'm convinced that one of the following is true...

A) You know middlefingerluv
B) You are middlefingerluv
C) Everytime you masturbate, you ejaculate into an empty ice cube tray so you can make cum flavored ice cubes that you can float inside of your favorite fruit juices
D) All of the above


Loves the double vag
I'm convinced that one of the following is true...

A) You know middlefingerluv
B) You are middlefingerluv
C) Everytime you masturbate, you ejaculate into an empty ice cube tray so you can make cum flavored ice cubes that you can float inside of your favorite fruit juices
D) All of the above

Christ Chef that was one of your best posts!
So I looked thru this thread, and saw people arguing about baseball.

It's pointless to have this thread because America is so in your face and narcissistic, that there really is no reason to ask anything.

Everything boils down to the media influence and how shitty all the politicians are. None of the wars were necessary. Well, necessary for immoral people to make money, and that's about it. No one wanted war, but they were forced into it with fearmongering.



The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
So I looked thru this thread, and saw people arguing about baseball.

It's pointless to have this thread because America is so in your face and narcissistic, that there really is no reason to ask anything.

Oh yeah? Well, I looked at your face and decided that it's pointless to have you! So, yeah!

You ugly
You ugly
You ain't got no ali..., I'm cheerleading again, aren't I? :uohs:
We actually do do this. Ever heard of an Elks Club...or the Masons....or Rotary Clubs...:dunno:

Well... the 99.999999% of us that aren't in the exclusive Old Boy's Club should say 'they' instead of 'we' when referring to those responsible for taking this country to war.
Well... the 99.999999% of us that aren't in the exclusive Old Boy's Club should say 'they' instead of 'we' when referring to those responsible for taking this country to war.

I think you've got your mask on a little tight tonight Cobra Commander. I have not been answering the Vietnam "question" rationally. Sarcastically, yes. Elks Clubs, if these little Congresses of the Blue Hairs could actually do anything like rally the war machine ;)
the reason that we have English muffins is because the US is secretly still owned and controlled by England. look it up, crazy people on the internet belief in it.
Yep in 1492. He was born in Italy and discovered the US shipping under Italian flag.

Years later, the Dutch came and founded "New Amsterdam", I believe you US-citizens call it New York.;)

Wrong- Some tanned skinned dark haired people rumored to be somewhere from Asia founded the land and had many names such as Mississippi, Wakulla, Ochobee, etc. Later to be called Mississippi. Wakulla, Ochobee, etc
I'm convinced that one of the following is true...

A) You know middlefingerluv
B) You are middlefingerluv
C) Everytime you masturbate, you ejaculate into an empty ice cube tray so you can make cum flavored ice cubes that you can float inside of your favorite fruit juices
D) All of the above

It's our way of compensating for comparatively small genetalia :)

and if we accept Bodie's 'small genitalia' theory as being true.. then oscar has a pussy.
the reason that we have English muffins is because the US is secretly still owned and controlled by England.

The way this country's been going the last few years, I think it's the other way around. Every other shop or company now seems to be from the U.S. But you still can't get a decent Chevy truck over here, I need a Big Block Special! :D :wave2: