The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
okay, you need to borrow. borrow borrow borrow. do it!!!! borrow!!!!!!!
okay sport is whack. don't look at sport too much cause you're going gay if you don't watch it.
same goes for cars. guys are rubbing off at cars. look at girls ass and tits every so often if you can be bothered.
oh hey. you need coche. clean coche. mercedes coche or saab coche. buy buy buy!!!!!!!
I'm convinced that one of the following is true...
A) You know middlefingerluv
B) You are middlefingerluv
C) Everytime you masturbate, you ejaculate into an empty ice cube tray so you can make cum flavored ice cubes that you can float inside of your favorite fruit juices
D) All of the above