Here's a little known Canadian related thing - if a Canadian team fails to win the Stanley Cup by 2013, we will invade and conquer the entire USA so that all teams in the NHL are Canadian
Do all Canadians have floppy heads like Terrence and Phillip?
Here's a little known Canadian related thing - if a Canadian team fails to win the Stanley Cup by 2013, we will invade and conquer the entire USA so that all teams in the NHL are Canadian
Is it true that Strange Brew with Bob and Doug McKenzie is every true Canadian’s favorite movie?
Here's a little known Canadian related thing - if a Canadian team fails to win the Stanley Cup by 2013, we will invade and conquer the entire USA so that all teams in the NHL are Canadian
Is it true that Strange Brew with Bob and Doug McKenzie is every true Canadian’s favorite movie?
What is it in the Canadian water or top soil that creates such hot, sexy porn chicks??:rubbel:
Is it easier to get laid in Vancouver or Montreal?
I'm actually from Vancouver, and it's home to some of the most stuck up, superficial, entitled women in the world. It's been said that Vancouver has the toughest, most ruthless dating scene in North America, even worse than LA. I wouldn't doubt it.