Why stay on a small island?

It's advantageous..
It's too far for Obama to walk and just out of reach of fat-ass yanks to float, when they're washed out to sea from U.S. beaches..

Ike Stain

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What the hell is "Bubbles and Squeak" and why the hell is it called that?


I'm watching some specialist videos
What do you call cigarettes "fags"?

fag (v.) "to droop, decline, tire," 1520s, apparently an alteration of flag in its verbal sense of "droop." Transitive sense of "to make (someone or something) fatigued" is first attested 1826. Related: Fagged; fagging.

fag (n.) British slang for "cigarette" (originally, especially, the butt of a smoked cigarette), 1888, probably from fag-end "extreme end, loose piece" (1610s), from fag "loose piece" (late 15c.), which is perhaps related to fag (v.).

from http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=fag
where the heavens did "spotted dick" get its name?
It was originally a prize in a competition played amongst the employees of the Royal Household of Richard 1st 'pon his birthday. A regal game of hide & seek. When he was found the winner would cry "Spotted Dick!" & be rewarded with the pud, which came to be known as Spotted Dick when the game was long since forgotten. . .