If British women were going to create a brand new sexual position, what would it be called and how would it, er, happen?
If British women were going to create a brand new sexual position, what would it be called and how would it, er, happen?
The Not Now I Want To Watch Eastenders position. This would involve the man leaving the room, going to his shed & masturbating over a picture of his wife's sister (again).If British women were going to create a brand new sexual position, what would it be called and how would it, er, happen?
Sorry to hijack the conversation but being a 'Brit' my ears naturally pricked up when i saw the title of the thread. I thought i would post this to help Hot Mega out with the description of Northern Birds which highlights some great British humour too.
Excuse those who are already familiar with the vid:
no.i heard that most british women have a thing for anal sex?. is this true?.
I wasn't expect to just hear no...break out the jokes, fool.
What he said. . .
do most british women have big tits?.
The stereotypes regarding Essex girls. Fact or fiction?
some fact, some fiction....it depends on which essex girls you bump into I guess. Some are normal, some are not so normal & some are strange lol
NO. British human units mate for life. When an British gentleman dies his spouse commits suicide, she salutes the photo of the Queen that everyone has in their home, sheds a single tear, strips down to her union flag underwear & then undertakes the final valiant act, submerging herself in a large cup of hot sweet tea.
What do British people say before they start eating.
What do British people say before they start eating. I don´t mean things like "yummy" or something like that. In Germany, we say "Guten Appetit" in order to express that we wish each person a "good appetit". The French people say "Bon Appetit". Is there an English equivalent for this saying?
What do you say in Britain?
Enjoy your meal? Have a nice meal?
Can you give me a formal and a more colloquial example?
Greetings collector