Are you afraid to die?

i would not be afraid if i would die during sex. .. lol..


Closed Account
I will share my own encounter with all of you here. And no I'm not making this up, it really did happen. I had an Aunt who passed away on Christmas Day 1998, after suffering from dementia for nearly a year, that she developed after a botched operation to repair her failing vision. She had gone completely blind as a result. She had mental problems (hysteria, paranoia) her whole life due to the trauma of a childhood accident where she was nearly burned to death in a fire. She was deeply religious also. When we went to see her that Christmas Eve, she was amazingly calm and at peace. She told us that it would be the last time that we would see her alive, because Grandma (her sister who had passed away 10 years earlier), several of her deceased brothers, etc, had come to see her in spirit that morning, and told her to say her final goodbyes for this lifetime, and to rest and be comforted with the knowledge that they were waiting for her, and that she was coming to them the following day for eternity. That following Christmas Day we got a phone call from the nursing home where she was living to tell us that she had passed away that evening. I've been both fascinated, and freaked out by that ever since.

In my house that was called "rally". An ill person, like my mother when she died of cancer, at the end have some hours of "normalcy, are totally lucid(my mom was on morphine and wacko) till one day, for about 6 hours she was my mom again. Coherent, full of conversation and goodbyes. She knew what was happening and even discussed it. Telling me of death and my grandma's passing. That they were all waiting for her.

Those 6 hours were gold to me and my dad. She even ate, she hadn't eaten anything in weeks. Some are lucky and get as much as a day I hear. Oh yeah and she said for us not to call her back. To let her go uninterrupted. Seems if you call or scream their name in grief when they pass as she did my grandma. Making her open her eyes again then she left again. Its suppose to make the passing harder. The priest scolded my mother for doing it.

:o Anywho, sorry for the long drawn out story. She said she knew they were waiting on her. No fear, only wonderment.

In my house that was called "rally". An ill person, like my mother when she died of cancer, at the end have some hours of "normalcy, are totally lucid(my mom was on morphine and wacko) till one day, for about 6 hours she was my mom again. Coherent, full of conversation and goodbyes. She knew what was happening and even discussed it. Telling me of death and my grandma's passing. That they were all waiting for her.

Those 6 hours were gold to me and my dad. She even ate, she hadn't eaten anything in weeks. Some are lucky and get as much as a day I hear. Oh yeah and she said for us not to call her back. To let her go uninterrupted. Seems if you call or scream their name in grief when they pass as she did my grandma. Making her open her eyes again then she left again. Its suppose to make the passing harder. The priest scolded my mother for doing it.

:o Anywho, sorry for the long drawn out story. She said she knew they were waiting on her. No fear, only wonderment.


Long stories from you are allowed.:)


The question should be, "Are You Afraid to Live?". I know a lot more people with that problem. :(
I try not to think about it, but i would have to say that when i do think about it, it does frighten me, only because i don't know what happens at the moment of expiration.
I'm only afraid of loved ones dying before I do as I'm terrible with grief, my own demise no, it sometimes feels like a release. ps I am afraid of all my porn being found if I was to pass suddenly, I'm gonna start digitalising it all soon, no more vhs's/ntcs's or mags etc :facepalm:
im not afraid to die. i use to be. but the older you get, you sort of embrace it. religion was just created for the sole purpose of man being afraid. what happens when we die, papa? we goto heaven, son. they then tell you this elaborate setting that takes place when you die. and the story gets told for generations. but how do they know? did they die and then came back describing what happens? no. science has always said, keep it simple. if you make the issue more complex, then it doesnt make sense. death is just like sleep. ever gone to sleep and not have a dream? well thats death. how do i know? its just the simple fact of human instinct. and if your instinct tells you that you're be going to heaven, then your just afraid of dying and wish there was more.

No. I would more be concerned for dying in a dishonorable fashion though.

Like, you're in line waiting for the up or down elevator to come and some fireman is there for trying to save someone's baby, some other person is there for shielding a woman during some 'gun' rampage..another is there because he fought to overtake a plane from hijackers and you're sitting there having given up something so precious as life because some surgical team botched your 6th tit job.:(
I want to pass away like my grandfather did in his sleep; Instead of kicking and screaming like the passengers on the bus he was driving.


Closed Account
No, not really. I accepted death as part of my life. There are times I try to imagine what it would be like if I was laying on my death bed. And it always comes to me that I would be afraid at that moment if I wouldn't have lived. To me there is no afterlife or god. This is nature's gift and only chance. So, if there would be fear, it would be fear of not having lived, of not having embraced what life could be.