Are you afraid to die?

It depends on how. For example, I don't want a bunch of people standing over me, telling me "stay with me", all panicked or concerned. I don't want the last sounds I hear to be the beeps of life-support machines and people freaking out. I think there are good ways to die. I mean, most of us want to go peacefully, with a pleasant smile.
Ideally, while listening to Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon album, making it to the end of the album with the sound of the heartbeat in utero, as I fade out.
I'm not afraid to die persay....I just don't WANT to die. The fact that I have to die eventually, pisses me off. I don't like the idea of NOT existing on this earth, and in the words of Aerosmith, I don't want to miss a thing. I hate not knowing how the world will eventually end...or at the very least, not knowing how the world progresses. I feel like I'm missing out on something :/

The solution for that is for you to die AS the world ends.

It depends on how. For example, I don't want a bunch of people standing over me, telling me "stay with me", all panicked or concerned. I don't want the last sounds I hear to be the beeps of life-support machines and people freaking out. I think there are good ways to die. I mean, most of us want to go peacefully, with a pleasant smile.
Ideally, while listening to Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon album, making it to the end of the album with the sound of the heartbeat in utero, as I fade out.

I think you would be unaware of those sounds if you was that close to death, very few people die how they want to and hospitals keep many people alive when it would be more humane to let them go.


I'm afraid of the sheer terror that leads up to my final gasp for air and I'm afraid of what rests behind those ''pearly gates'' after that last breath! :eek:

I think that there quite possibly could be another dimension beyond the lives we know on earth...
for we could end up becoming arthropods in our future ''lives''. :D :surprise:

Yeah, I'm afraid!
Not so much death as much as the way I go, or even living to be some old prune wearing diapers and such. I have a friend who says he doesn't want to live past 60 because of all the bagage. :dunno: Seems a little extreme to me, since one of the things I love to do - play golf - can be played until you can't walk anymore.

Only thing I'm concerned is gettin' it right with God and I've done that, so I am fine with death. Again, it's moreso the form in which I go that scares me. :2 cents:


Official Checked Star Member
The solution for that is for you to die AS the world ends.


honestly, I've thought about that, and I'd be REALLY happy to know I'm dying as its all going down. Knowing that everyone is dying with me, and no chapters will be left unread, so to speak. I just hate not knowing whats going to happen with the world. Its like reading a really great story, or seeing a really great movie but never finding out the ending.
It does bug me. I will have my moments and the thought of it creeps me out.

For awhile in 09 I couldn't stop thinking about it but now I know there is nothing that can be done so not much use in thinking about it.