New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Thanks for noticing. I could only imagine who I could trigger if I used a word that rhymes with trigger.
I don't even have to use a word that rhymes with Duke to trigger some snowflakes.
Thanks for noticing. I could only imagine who I could trigger if I used a word that rhymes with trigger.
I don't even have to use a word that rhymes with Duke to trigger some snowflakes.
You are babbling bs as usual. Yes Obama said "monkeyed around" and I can prove it (vid of obama saying it inside the article)
Media’s Not Talking About Time Obama Used ‘Monkey’ Exact Same Way DeSantis Did
The video hasn't been fudged, but you will always give a red carpet to your dear leader Obama and to the mainstream media.
Anything the conservaturd media says is fake news. Don't believe any of it. I don't believe any of the crap you see from these people
Not sure what stations you watching man, but every news channel I watch albeit only for seconds until the bullshit Lib Trump bashing racist Conservative shit starts and then I'll change the program. What Libs need to do instead of bashing is DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! Take up arms!!! Give these fine warriors a chance to change things in their favor. LOL. I LMFAO at just the thought.Anything the conservaturd media says is fake news. Don't believe any of it. I don't believe any of the crap you see from these people
Not sure what stations you watching man, but every news channel I watch albeit only for seconds until the bullshit Lib Trump bashing racist Conservative shit starts and then I'll change the program. What Libs need to do instead of bashing is DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! Take up arms!!! Give these fine warriors a chance to change things in their favor. LOL. I LMFAO at just the thought.
Not sure what stations you watching man, but every news channel I watch albeit only for seconds until the bullshit Lib Trump bashing racist Conservative shit starts and then I'll change the program. What Libs need to do instead of bashing is DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! Take up arms!!! Give these fine warriors a chance to change things in their favor. LOL. I LMFAO at just the thought.
Yes, DeSanti is a racist asshole just most of his party's members.
Andrew Gillum Tweeted ‘Healthcare is a Right.’ Twitter Exploded.
Typical socialist twit and Obama muppet that needs to be voted out. Welfare queens and health care and social security leech offs are not needed.
He wants Medicare For All in a state with no income tax. Where exactly is the $ going to come from?