There's always an in between. It's never that simple. If you were from where I'm from you might better understand.
I think Americans have never had the trauma of having foreign soldiers on their streets, or bombs raining down on their heads, or falling asleep to the soothing sounds of gunfire in their hometowns.
If America had ever been invaded or occupied (no, a naval base in Hawaii being bombed doesn't count), its sovereignty violated, I think its nationals would have far less of a penchant for invading other people's countries, regardless of the reason. It is one of the lowest, most devillish things to do in a civilized world, imo. And to think, hypocrites pointed fingers at Sadaam for invading Kuwait and at Hitler before for invading half of Europe. Now look at us.
I just can't stand the concept of the military, the attitude of the military, the facade of the military, half or more of the common uses of the military, and the staunch right wing patriotism associated with the military. Some nations are less militaristic and their militaries less active... the US has the most active military and the most immoral and inhumane 20th century military record, the US has a population full of military supporters instead of a balance like most other nations, and the US spends 51% of the world's military budget. This, basically, is why I detest the US military more than other militaries, but never forget that I detest all militaries, the notion, the concept, and only a "UN world army" would ever get my respect - in the modern world, in the western world, armies should only be used for things such as Katrina relief. And they don't need guns or billions of dollars of hi tech weaponry.
Just trying to explain.