Are there any Military guys here?

Dang! Active grunt to reserve prop-pusher? How do you sruvive?

Well my dad retired from the Chair Force and I was doing a 74 B's(Network Admin) job the last two years in the Army so it prepaired me pretty well for my lil in the quasi military.

Now we do have a reserve pararescue unit right next to us that trains as hard as we did in my first army unit. But thats a small segmant of the USAF.
There are better people to name than I ...

Prof V and RN constantly claim that there is no reason to blame the troops for anything.
Fox, this is going to be my only message.

1. There are better people to name than I

I see you arguing with many people here. I am not one of them.
I left you alone weeks ago and there has been more than RN.
Stop using my name.

2. I never said what you just stated

I have not idea why you keep making such statements.
But I do know a 3 word phrase you keep dodging and dodging and dodging ...

But for me to blame everyone except the men and women who pull the triggers and do the dirty work, for me, would be illogical and would indicate that I, too, had been brainwashed or misled or indoctrinated into thinking there was something honourable about killing or dying for a country against another country... and into thinking that those who actually do the killing should be the only ones exonerated from those murders.
Rules of Engagement

It's the difference between combat and murder.
I have constantly stated those who violate the Rules of Engagement are guilty of murder,
especially those who cowardly plant evidence and otherwise do not confess to their wrongs.
They are found out.

But I'd like you to step in the shoes of an honorable American soldier for once.
And deal with the "Rules of Engagement" when other people don't respect them.
And yet the American soldier still does, and does and never violates them.

Now you can answer this however you feel like, but leave my name out of your discussions from now on when others are debating you.
This will be my only response.
I really can't see where anyone would have sore feelings towards military personnel. They're either there and follow orders, or there is no military at all... no in-between.
Royal Air Force Avionics Technician, Just back from Yuma working with the marines and off to afghanistan tomorrow. See you all out there:)
One word: Vietnam
Never again will US soldiers be treated by Americans so poorly for merely serving their country as best as they could.

Maybe not in the amount... but people still seem to take a lot of their issues out on the military. Look at that reverend guy who goes to all the military funerals to cheer on their deaths. The main difference today is the service members today choose to serve, while a portion of the members during Vietnam were drafted. Granted they served their country and made the best of a shitty situation, but the pride didn't seem to extend much further than themselves, while with today's volunteers everyone surrounding them has a great amount of pride and admiration for their choice to serve. So the haters are sorely outnumbered and are a lot more likely to get their asses stomped in the mud for talking smack.

Doesn't stop everyone though. My uncle's step-son got jumped at a bar when a few of the guys there found out he was .mil. He was in the hospital for a couple days.


Closed Account
From something he said in the "iraq war" thread i believe.

Good luck to all you boys heading out soon :glugglug:

If the guy wants to know he can read the starters posts by clicking his name. It's obvious he broke a rule(s) and or was flaming. Rules are to be followed and flaming is a no no here. Plain and simple.

:thumbsup: Mr. Rhino on your comment.

Good luck to you all and thank you a job well done.

Also a big thanks to those serving us here on our own turf. You are not any less appreciated or less valuable to us. If you file as a clerk or you plan strategy, you are a piece of the whole that make up our countries great military. :glugglug:

.. Never mind.
There's always an in between. It's never that simple. If you were from where I'm from you might better understand.

I think Americans have never had the trauma of having foreign soldiers on their streets, or bombs raining down on their heads, or falling asleep to the soothing sounds of gunfire in their hometowns.

If America had ever been invaded or occupied (no, a naval base in Hawaii being bombed doesn't count), its sovereignty violated, I think its nationals would have far less of a penchant for invading other people's countries, regardless of the reason. It is one of the lowest, most devillish things to do in a civilized world, imo. And to think, hypocrites pointed fingers at Sadaam for invading Kuwait and at Hitler before for invading half of Europe. Now look at us.

I just can't stand the concept of the military, the attitude of the military, the facade of the military, half or more of the common uses of the military, and the staunch right wing patriotism associated with the military. Some nations are less militaristic and their militaries less active... the US has the most active military and the most immoral and inhumane 20th century military record, the US has a population full of military supporters instead of a balance like most other nations, and the US spends 51% of the world's military budget. This, basically, is why I detest the US military more than other militaries, but never forget that I detest all militaries, the notion, the concept, and only a "UN world army" would ever get my respect - in the modern world, in the western world, armies should only be used for things such as Katrina relief. And they don't need guns or billions of dollars of hi tech weaponry.

Just trying to explain.


Ok, so where are you from?
I lived in Germany for 3 years. They didn't seem to have that mentality.

I'm not sure how England being bombed equates to them hating their own soldiers... please explain.

only a "UN world army" would ever get my respect
I don't even know how to respond to that without flaming so I'll leave that alone.


Closed Account
There's always an in between. It's never that simple. If you were from where I'm from you might better understand.

I think Americans have never had the trauma of having foreign soldiers on their streets, or bombs raining down on their heads, or falling asleep to the soothing sounds of gunfire in their hometowns.

If America had ever been invaded or occupied (no, a naval base in Hawaii being bombed doesn't count), its sovereignty violated, I think its nationals would have far less of a penchant for invading other people's countries, regardless of the reason. It is one of the lowest, most devillish things to do in a civilized world, imo. And to think, hypocrites pointed fingers at Sadaam for invading Kuwait and at Hitler before for invading half of Europe. Now look at us.

I just can't stand the concept of the military, the attitude of the military, the facade of the military, half or more of the common uses of the military, and the staunch right wing patriotism associated with the military. Some nations are less militaristic and their militaries less active... the US has the most active military and the most immoral and inhumane 20th century military record, the US has a population full of military supporters instead of a balance like most other nations, and the US spends 51% of the world's military budget. This, basically, is why I detest the US military more than other militaries, but never forget that I detest all militaries, the notion, the concept, and only a "UN world army" would ever get my respect - in the modern world, in the western world, armies should only be used for things such as Katrina relief. And they don't need guns or billions of dollars of hi tech weaponry.

Just trying to explain.


You know I really hate these discussions overall. I try not to speak, but you make it so hard at times. In your first statement ...Now you use the fact that you're not from the U.S. to your discussion advantage.

I want you to read #1 of this post I made long ago. From your thread. I say "God Bless America" that no I have never had to see these things and hope I never will.

Fox I am not damning you. Some of the points you make are great ideas "in a perfect world" I also know there is not one person on this board who doesn't want world peace. Not one that doesn't wish that all any military personnel from anywhere would have to be deployed for is clean up after tsunami's and other disasters. Its not going to happen. War is as old as time and will always be.

As I sat here typing this I look over at my entertainment center and the mahogany triangle glass frame that adorns it. With the neatly folded flag, tucked away inside. The white stars large and bright and blue surrounding them, with just the tiniest bits of red and white showing. Beside that a case with a picture and several medals in it, I can't help wondering one thing. If I can hate the wars and still back my country why can't you? I mean who in the hell likes war? Sometimes you talk like Americans want this, like it, cause it. That's so wrong on so many levels. To act like we are doing anything that can compare to Hitler or Saddam, that statement pissed me I must say.

To sing the "blues" well a singer has to have lived awhile, suffered trials and tribulations and have felt some of the pain of life. To voice what you feel would be a better way is acceptable to me, to slam Americans and the military once again in the process not.

If I offended anyone I'm sorry and this is once again IMHO only.

I feel so deeply for the people embroiled in this right now you have no idea. It's what drives my passion. And do I, though, not constantly and frequently put forward my ideas for a system that would have no war and no isolationist aggression... I do.
we dont need a martyr. :D

Something wrong RoughyN?
Nothing wrong.

Just typed up a response. Posted it. Then thought otherwise and deleted it. Didn't want to furthur participate in this thread - has long gone off track and returned back to familiar America bashing.

I'm tired of people hypocritically abusing my country and her policies - whilst barely raising a whimper about the abuses perpetrated by other nations and their policies. "Any military guys here" has turned into a cesspool of mud slinging. There are a hundred and one threads out there about "big bad evil America" and "dick head Americans".... but it just ain't enough.

So no, I'm no longer dignifying the ignorant comments of some with a response.

cheers Rhino man,


Closed Account
we dont need a martyr. :D

He certainly isn't a martyr. A martyr I thought suffers for a cause. I see a person that reaps all the wonderful benefits this country affords us all, has a career in music he can actively pursue as others continue to die daily to protect his right to do just that. Is not in the military protecting us, he is here drop kicking the military. As I said "I hate war" just as much as anyone and I am not glorifying it. It sucks, but I won't talk the military down.

Fox said:
Well, I actually don't slam Americans, but I do slam the military and I am as proud of that as you are of supporting them. I've been through my share of pain but not war - it's irrelavant. I feel so deeply for the people embroiled in this right now you have no idea. It's what drives my passion. And do I, though, not constantly and frequently put forward my ideas for a system that would have no war and no isolationist aggression... I do.

I do allow you your opinion Fox, but I just can't agree in clear conscience. I know what drives my passion also. I feel deeply everyday also, for all human life and the loss of all men women and children. For all the Americans that suffer daily from bad choices made by our Government. I will not however diss my country or its military in any way shape or form. I will not berate those men, women and boys that who like most of us "don't" agree with the reasons or the policies set forth, but out of love for family and country lay their lives on the line daily. Apples and oranges. Just my :2 cents:
