Anyway, if I know a cop I might ask him if he ever had to shoot anyone.
If I know a judge I might ask if he ever gave out the death sentence.
Etc. It was just an honest question - like Marines are trained to kill, and I was wondering if they'd ever used it.
But it doesn't make sense... why soldiers are often, not always, but often (like on this thread) the first to mention their fallen comrades in battle, and remembering them, which is sad, and horrible, and depressing.
Addressing that, point for point..
Cops deal with civilians and will generally try to tazer or avoid violence and when something happens, to a fellow cop OR a perpetrator it usually didnt have to happen that way. They might call it a 'war on crime' in the news but it certainly isnt a war when you dont know who the enemy is. Domestic disturbance? Unarmed suspect? Who knows? It is senseless. But it has similiarities..
Judges do things the 'civil' way and never get their hands dirty. An utter piece of sh!t way to do things, if you ask me. Judges hand out life in jail or ten years or damn near anything, and none of them ever know that a month in jail is a year in real life. Those scumbags should have to do a couple months inside for every year they judge so they know how little 'rehabilitation' they're handing out.
Soldiers talking about friends? Absolutely. Because they werent just friends. You go into battle, you spend time with your unit.. they become family. Its cliche.. but it truly is a band of brothers. You spend time with someone while on a job. Then you add in hardship. Maybe some death. Threat of death. Its unique. Its messed up. Its a damn lotta trust, lemme tell ya. Assholes, sacred friends.. high and mighty CO's and who-the-hell else.. they all become burnt into your brain.
You Might forget their names,
You Might forget their face.. but.. its.. ::struggling to find a way to say it:: You remember them all. And its really F'ed up when you forget. Because some of those guys give that 'ultimate sacrifice' and thats a huge gift. One of those gifts that make you step back and realize just what it all means, how awesome they were and at the same time make you depressed as f!ck. No matter how descriptive or detailed or.. whatever.. I couldnt do that explanation the justice it deserves.
.. Anyway. -_-
Soldiers are trained NOT to assign the enemy their due respect. The enemy is charlie. The enemy is a bunch of tango's. The *insurgent's* are returning fire. On the battlefield they're a nameless face that you dont have the luxury of liking, knowing or remembering. They're not Bob from work or Jack from High School, they're a f!cker with a gun and if you think about it too hard, you're gonna be the dead guy or damn near insane.
It's not politically correct. Its not a fluffy pink dream. Sure, its wrong.. but its a different type, or level of wrong than what a civvie argues for.