Anyone Not Like Tats on Women?

Ok I see the thread reguarding best tatoo designs on pornstars, so we already know that there are plenty of guys who like tats on gilrs, but I'm wondering if there is anyone else out there, like me, who doesn't like tatoos on women at all. To me it's not a deal breaker, but it is a turn off. In my mind, if you've got a hot body, don't mark it up.

Just curious.
I think tattoo's on certain areas of a women's body. Mainly the lower back or around the thigh.

On certain pornstar's tattoo's look good on other places aswell. My personal favourite is the one's on Angel Long.
I'm really sick of the lower back tattoo in particular myself. It is SOOO over done. It's so refreshing to look at a girl's back and see those little dimple there not painted over.
Depends on the girl. Some women look very sexy in their tats. Some just ruin themselves with them. For the most part, I don't like most tatoos on women's arms and legs. Especially tribal bands on women's arms. Some inner arm tats can be very well done, but they mostly are a major turn off to me. Tats that are hidden on the back, neck and other places can be very attractive depending on the tatoo.
Big P13 said:
Ok I see the thread reguarding best tatoo designs on pornstars, so we already know that there are plenty of guys who like tats on gilrs, but I'm wondering if there is anyone else out there, like me, who doesn't like tatoos on women at all. To me it's not a deal breaker, but it is a turn off. In my mind, if you've got a hot body, don't mark it up.

Just curious.

I totally agree with you bro, it's a turn off for me too.


Retired Moderator
In general, I can say I don't like tattoos on women's bodies, but on the other hand, a lot of girls I am crazy about are tattooed. Maybe I would have loved them even more if they hadn't been tattooed, I don't know... I have simply known them with tattoos and have no problems with them.
For me the biggest turn-off is a woman that has a tattoo on her breasts.....and while not a fan of tattoos on women at all, I can handle a tattoo most anywhere else ( except those giant works of art, leave them for canvas not skin)
I like tattoos anywhere on a babe. only exception is around the chest area
if done in moderation, I think they are sexy. However, I don't want to see sleeves or entire backs done. Janine is a great example for me. I think she looks great, but all the tats on her a a turn off to me
You have to at least question the intelligence of anyone who would pay someone to doodle on their own skin with permanant ink. :rolleyes:
I'm kind of mixed on this. It would be one thing if there was just a tattoo here and there, but anymore, we have women like Janine who have the whole sleeves done, and it's like part of the porn babe "uniform". The piercings are just as bad. Weird, because my Mrs. has a tattoo, but it's just the one, and it's not real big (on her left shoulder blade), but I just don't think that a lot of people consider just exactly what they're doing when they get one.

Expensive to put on, expensive to have removed (Tats, not piercings).

THe lower back ones- ugh. And all this "tribal" stuff. :dunno:

I'm kind if mixed on this too.
For a relationship, I prefer a woman with no tattoos and minimal piercings (I prefer only the ears to be pierced). I even prefer a girl that doesn't dye her hair :eek: Wierd, I know. I like natural beauty.
But for porn it's different. A girl can have fifty tattoos, pierced everything and I will still find her attractive. It's a double standard and I know it.
Bear said:
For me the biggest turn-off is a woman that has a tattoo on her breasts.....and while not a fan of tattoos on women at all, I can handle a tattoo most anywhere else ( except those giant works of art, leave them for canvas not skin)

yes that sums it up for me too and i also dislike the lower back tatts:thumbsup:
I agree with Kungfu... tattoos are not a deal breaker... but I hate them. I think there is nothing more beautiful than the naked female body... to put a tattoo on it is like spilling ink or coffee on a painting by Van Gough. Tattoos don't highlight, emphasize or enhance anything on a woman... they cover it up. When I was a kid, I saw a tattoo on my uncle's forearm which I thought was the coolest thing. My uncle is in his 60's now and that tattoo looks like nothing more than a large, ugly horrible birthmark... no one recognizes what the hell it even was.

Women... Just say "No" to tattoos.