From all accounts, Carolina's fans are some of the most knowledgable and passionate fans in the league. I would argue that Carolina's poor attendance is due to their poor first-half this season more than anything else, though comparing their 2010 attendace to their 2009 and 2008 seasons, there is only a drop of a thousand fans. I always thought Carolina played to near full arenas. :dunno:
I give credit to the fans in places like Nashville, Atlanta and other southern cities. The fans that make it out to those games are just as passionate about the game as any Canadian you will ever meet, and unlike some fans in Montreal, Vancouver, and Toronto (this applies to fans of the other three teams, though not as much), they don't come to the games because it is the cool thing to do; they go to the games because they love it and support their teams. That's one of the things I hate about the media in Canada when they were reporting on the Coyotes situation; they made it out that there were no dedicated fans in Phoenix and they always took shots at then whenever they talked about them. No one seems to remember that the almighty Winnipeg Jets averaged only 11,316 people every game in their final season. Granted it was a different time with lower attendance across the board, but the league average back then was still 15986. Teams like the Coyotes, Predators and Thrashers might not have as many fans as the Canadian teams (I would argue that a good chunk of Canadian fans are pure bandwagon fans, but I won't now), but the fans that they do have are just as dedicated as you or I.