Yes I was, no bullshit.
The show was called Jalapeno, its from Medellin Colombia.
Its basically 2 hot chicas and a dude and they talk to people while
the girls show off their tits and asses.
Example vids.
So I was working for an english institute and they bought 15 minutes of time on the show to advertise.
The boss wanted me on the show because I look kinda like Nicolas Cage before he got skinny, the con-air days, sad but actually true, i do.
So there we were, on camera, in the classroom from left to right , my boss, the blonde, me, the brunette then the dude, in a semi circle, literally shoulder to shoulder.
I was right in the middle of the 2 , or should I say "4", the whole time while the dude and my boss spoke, the girls were just eye candy and I was just sitting there occasionally glancing to my lower left and right at those melons.
I did not speak.
Now the girls weren't in bikinis like in the video above, but they were wearing clothes that showed off their huge cleavage.
The blonde had a low cut flower dress and the brunette had a see through mesh top with bra.
Man I wish I had a video of that, i must have looked funny, all distracted, ha!