Anyone here ever been a guest on a talk show???

I got a call from my cousin yesterday, and he tells me that his baby's mama is taking him to the Maury show for a lie-detector and a paternity test.

Anyone here ever been on a talk show or personally know someone that has???


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Dateline: to catch a predator. Chris Hansen is much more charming in person.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I want to go on Dr. Phil just to beat the holy living fuck out of him. If anybody could set this up or kill him for me, I'd be much obliged.

Remember the Jerry Springer Show with the fat tranny in diapers who said he was sexually addicted to a German shepherd? Then a fight erupted between the tranny and a guy in a wetsuit who claimed to have exclusive rights to the Alsatian's bunghole.

The tranny was PirateKing. The diver was mrtrebus. The dog was me.
We were probably the only authentic guests ever to appear on that show.
Nah. I'm not black nor am I white trash.

If anything I would be on Oprah and as I am walking out I would spank her billionaire ass and hope some hundreds get farted out or something. Most likely greasy chicken skin would come out. Ah well I'll take that too.... I'm hungry right now.


Hiliary 2020
Yes I was, no bullshit.
The show was called Jalapeno, its from Medellin Colombia.
Its basically 2 hot chicas and a dude and they talk to people while
the girls show off their tits and asses.
Example vids.
So I was working for an english institute and they bought 15 minutes of time on the show to advertise.
The boss wanted me on the show because I look kinda like Nicolas Cage before he got skinny, the con-air days, sad but actually true, i do.
So there we were, on camera, in the classroom from left to right , my boss, the blonde, me, the brunette then the dude, in a semi circle, literally shoulder to shoulder.
I was right in the middle of the 2 , or should I say "4", the whole time while the dude and my boss spoke, the girls were just eye candy and I was just sitting there occasionally glancing to my lower left and right at those melons.
I did not speak.
Now the girls weren't in bikinis like in the video above, but they were wearing clothes that showed off their huge cleavage.
The blonde had a low cut flower dress and the brunette had a see through mesh top with bra.

Man I wish I had a video of that, i must have looked funny, all distracted, ha!
I was on Jeremy Kyle once.

The lie detector test was wrong, I didn't have sex with my step-father. Yeah, I admit there was sexual contact, but there was NO sexual contact. None at all!

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
My cousin Rico and his wife, Jennifer went on Oprah to discuss her forgiving her father's murderer about four years ago.
I got a call from my cousin yesterday, and he tells me that his baby's mama is taking him to the Maury show for a lie-detector and a paternity test.

Anyone here ever been on a talk show or personally know someone that has???

My college roommate and his girlfriend went on Jenny Jones back in 2002 or 2003. He went on as a "Teenage dud to adult stud" and pretended to confront his girlfriend (who was posing as a former high school classmate who teased him) to show that he's now good looking and no longer an awkward nerd.

The Jenny Jones show didn't even try to see if it was legit. When my friend called to be a guest, all they asked for was the "bully's" phone number. She, of course, lived in the same town, went to the same school and had the same area code...and grew up in Oklahoma whereas my friend grew up in New Jersey.

The whole thing was dumb, but they got free airfare and a two night hotel stay in Chicago.

And my cousin took his best friend to The People's Court (when Mayor Koch was the judge) and got $1,200 for a stereo system that never existed. The "litigants" don't actually pay what the court awards the plaintiff. It comes from the show seeing how it's not a real court. I tried taking my brother to the show after that, but they wised up and now you have to email them receipts and pictures before they pick your case.
My college roommate and his girlfriend went on Jenny Jones back in 2002 or 2003. He went on as a "Teenage dud to adult stud" and pretended to confront his girlfriend (who was posing as a former high school classmate who teased him) to show that he's now good looking and no longer an awkward nerd.

The Jenny Jones show didn't even try to see if it was legit. When my friend called to be a guest, all they asked for was the "bully's" phone number. She, of course, lived in the same town, went to the same school and had the same area code...and grew up in Oklahoma whereas my friend grew up in New Jersey.

The whole thing was dumb, but they got free airfare and a two night hotel stay in Chicago.

And my cousin took his best friend to The People's Court (when Mayor Koch was the judge) and got $1,200 for a stereo system that never existed. The "litigants" don't actually pay what the court awards the plaintiff. It comes from the show seeing how it's not a real court. I tried taking my brother to the show after that, but they wised up and now you have to email them receipts and pictures before they pick your case.

They used to tape the Jenny Jones show (and Jerry Springer) right up the street from my H.S. Me and my guys used to go watch both shows. JJ was hilarious!!!
They used to tape the Jenny Jones show (and Jerry Springer) right up the street from my H.S. Me and my guys used to go watch both shows. JJ was hilarious!!!

I kind of wanted to people watch at one of 'em, but I don't think any of them taped in NY. Well, Montel did, but by the time I was an adult, he covered serious shit (besides that old fucking fake psychic hag). And there's Maury, but I didn't want to take the risk of going on a day when they had deformed conjoined midgets with lobster feet or guess who's not a real woman.

Did the shows run way long? 'Cause when my friend went to JJ, he said the shit lasted forever and they edited it down a ton...and even cut some of the segments out.

Man, the 90s were a trip. Everybody had a talk show for at least a minute.

I kind of wanted to people watch at one of 'em, but I don't think any of them taped in NY. Well, Montel did, but by the time I was an adult, he covered serious shit (besides that old fucking fake psychic hag). And there's Maury, but I didn't want to take the risk of going on a day when they had deformed conjoined midgets with lobster feet or guess who's not a real woman.

Did the shows run way long? 'Cause when my friend went to JJ, he said the shit lasted forever and they edited it down a ton...and even cut some of the segments out.

Man, the 90s were a trip. Everybody had a talk show for at least a minute.


LOL @ the baby's face.

Anybody remember the low point of talk shows... Tempest Bledsoe and Mother Love :confused:
LOL @ the baby's face.

Anybody remember the low point of talk shows... Tempest Bledsoe and Mother Love :confused:

Then there was when Riki Lake (PETA member) was aping Fear Factor and having people eat bugs and shit.

The best was when the shows starting developing their own niche. Jenny Jones became mostly talent shows, geek to chic and bootcamp shows...remember Rude Jude!:thefinger Sally Jesse Raphael became almost exclusively bootcamp shows where tween girls bragged that they turned tricks for candy money. The best was when they'd show them giving everybody the finger back stage. :rofl:

And Maury became all freaks, fat babies and paternity test shit. Montel was psychics and battered women survivor stories...oh Christ it's pathetic that I remember this shit.

I think Jerry killed it. People couldn't pretend it was real anymore. It just got too dumb and sloppy.