Anyone else wanna smack those global warming deniers in the face?

If Global Warming was a scientific fact and our climates really were getting warmer all over the globe, then why did it snow here in Cleveland not too long ago?

It's May 1st today and the Cleveland area is set to have highs in the 50's this weekend. That's not Spring-like weather if you ask me. It's not warmer either; it's colder.

Global Warming? No, sorry.

still don't know the difference between climate and weather, huh?:rolleyes:
all i remember is as a young college student in the early 90's, (the) global warming folks had said that sea lvls would have flooded most of the worlds coastal cities by 2015. Not so far away now, they dont talk about that now.
While I believe that the sun affects the climate a lot more than people do, less pollution is obviously good for human health--not to mention that of wildlife--and living more sustainably is only common sense.

Whom I would rather smack are the deniers of global cooling! Only now are we in Canada emerging from the longest and coldest winter in generations, and I for one am tired of hearing about global warming while shivering in the freezing dark for months on end winter after winter. A number of climatologists, no longer afraid of the academic blacklist, are finally acknowledging that the planet is now in a cooling trend.

The climate is cyclical--what we do affects only our own immediate environments; because of this, not apocalyptic hysteria, we should continue to move toward more sustainable living, as our health in North America has never been worse. I'm looking at you, too, China and India...:wave2:

Not the usual kind of link I paste here, but interesting in a different way:

Global warming or not. Do what you can to make the world a better place. Just the simple stuff helps out a lot.

I'm all for that. I get on anybody I know when I see them chucking a plastic bottle away or a can in the trash. Or when I see my family waste food the way they do. It bugs. Don't know why. Guess I care. :dunno:

But I will not be having no billions spent on something that the scientific community is not 100% on board with. Thanks you very much. :hatsoff:

Update: U. S. Senate Minority Report: More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Amen and +1 and you might as well try to slap me in the face because i am one of those deniers. It all bullshit to me. I gotta few years to live, so i really don't give a fuck in the first place....

::looks at your location::

Washington, DC eh? Figures. Another ancient politician who couldnt give a shit about 'the children!! OH THINK OF THE CHILDREN!' unless your name is on the ballot. ;)

Seriously, though.. w2g fellow American, you ex military too? 91W combat medic.

::waits for a serious reply with seething sarcasm:: aheh heh.
I'm a firm believer in global warming. I don't get upset that a lot of people don't believe in in, just the attitudes of most that I get into discussions on the subject with. On other boards I've entered into this discussion, I notice a lot of the doubters really seem to have no concern of the world around them in general, whether it's on issues of pollution, preservation or anything related. I hear a lot of "I won't be around when/if everything goes to hell anyway". Not trying to paint all doubters with a broad stroke, but that is what I see typically.