I didn't look to hard, but I didn't find a direct fact check on this. Not that fact check sites are the gold standard, but they can be a start when trying to understand a topicThat's the least surprising headline I've seen all year. "Joe Biden LYING AGAIN" 😄
Did you know that Joe Biden's dead wife drove through a stop sign, killing herself and injuring their children?
Did you know that Joe routinely lies about the innocent driver that his dead wife slammed into?
Did you know that Joe lies about the innocent, surviving driver, saying that he was drunk - because no one feels much pity for a guy with a dead wife that drove like a drunk herself, killing herself and nearly killing all of her children.
But Joe gets a lot of miles out of her deadly driving - he just has to lie about it.
Joe Biden is rectum crust.
Seem to be that people just like to read memes and rehash the lies. I see someone on here doing it. I wonder if those are just owned by Goocifer.