Anybody Watching The DNC Infomercial That's On Today... Or This Week... Or Whenever It's On?


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Queen Bogs

VP Pence: Biden and Dems at DNC Avoid China, BLM


China is going to eat our lunch? Come on man... I mean you know they’re not bad folks, folks, but guess what? They’re not competition for us.”

... asked if money should be “redirected” away from cops, he replied, “Yes, absolutely.”
Yeah, that's a pretty big matzo ball hanging out there. 😄 I didn't watch much - how much time did they devote to the USPS?
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Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I wanted to begin with "Funny how people still act like they don't get what <Defund The Police> means. Then I realized:

The very same people decided to not understand the problem. So, inform yourselves about what this actually means.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
I wanted to begin with "Funny how people still act like they don't get what <Defund The Police> means. Then I realized:

The very same people decided to not understand the problem. So, inform yourselves about what this actually means.
A new slogan needs to be adopted. Defund is defined as "prevent from continuing to receive funds." If you are explaining or defending what it means, you are starting out from a losing a position.

Queen Bogs

I wanted to begin with "Funny how people still act like they don't get what <Defund The Police> means. Then I realized:

The very same people decided to not understand the problem. So, inform yourselves about what this actually means.

For sure. 👌 In the world of sloganeering, Defund the Police is one of the more direct, unambiguous ones. Not the highly subjective, loaded, and ambiguous Make America Great Again (How? Is it not, already? Was it ever, really? Can it ever be? What is great?), nor the bleakly simple and emotionally incendiary Black Lives Matter (that even supporters recognize is personal to each person, and their ability to comprehend the notion).

It's right there, in the slogan. Take money from cops. Do you expect them to go on with "and allocate to civil service agencies better equipped to address the various and complex community policing situations that they encounter, etc"?

I mean, do a little work. It's easier and less emotional a slogan as any I've heard lately.

Queen Bogs

Mosquitoes suck. That's non-partisan. Some scientist, or some other smart guy made the very good point that they're superfluous to the environment. That they're a net negative, what, with malaria and so on, and how nobody really eats a lot of mosquitoes, thus if they were removed from the world, the world would be better off. Smart guy - they friggin' suck. 👾
Oh well I stand corrected then, trump is a stable genius playing 4D chess. Tackling the topics at the centre of everyone's attention.

Queen Bogs

Oh well I stand corrected then, trump is a stable genius playing 4D chess. Tackling the topics at the centre of everyone's attention.
Well, I didn't think that you were speaking in favor of mosquitoes, I was just seconding the opinion that the mosquito is a hateful, misbegotten creation. Thirding the opinion, if you're on board too.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Oh well I stand corrected then, trump is a stable genius playing 4D chess. Tackling the topics at the centre of everyone's attention.
What do expect from a 🐬?

Defund The Police is ambiguous because - by definition - it suggests no funding for police. DTP means redirecting some funds from law enforcement to other social services. When you're splitting hairs over defund v reduced funding, you are wasting time.
I wanted to begin with "Funny how people still act like they don't get what <Defund The Police> means. Then I realized:

The very same people decided to not understand the problem. So, inform yourselves about what this actually means.
Agreed and I think you are pointing out something that matters.
I struggle to make sense of it. I think the point is to have police accountable and not an uncontrolled oppressive force, especially where race is involved.
I try to understand the other side of not putting the police in an unwinnable position where their life could be lost as well.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Agreed and I think you are pointing out something that matters.
I struggle to make sense of it. I think the point is to have police accountable and not an uncontrolled oppressive force, especially where race is involved.
I try to understand the other side of not putting the police in an unwinnable position where their life could be lost as well.
My point of view:

A police organisation has to be based on a number of basic guidelines:

A solid, in-depth training, including deescalation techniques, and permanent traing in martial arts.

Every police car and every police patrol has to include two officers, best practice would mean them speaking various local foreign languages.

The part that "Defund the Police" is referring to is: Oolice forces must be set back on normal civllan-style vehicles and non-military weaponry. This is basic logic: An officer with to little deescalation trainig who is having military weapons will use them, when he is closing in to feeling overpowered.

The use of firearms must be restricted. Every shot must be required to be documented, which would reduce the shooting sprees that happen in cases where suspects get mowed down with up to twenty bullets in their bodies.

Queen Bogs

My point of view:

A police organisation has to be based on a number of basic guidelines:

A solid, in-depth training, including deescalation techniques, and permanent traing in martial arts.

Every police car and every police patrol has to include two officers, best practice would mean them speaking various local foreign languages.

The part that "Defund the Police" is referring to is: Oolice forces must be set back on normal civllan-style vehicles and non-military weaponry. This is basic logic: An officer with to little deescalation trainig who is having military weapons will use them, when he is closing in to feeling overpowered.

The use of firearms must be restricted. Every shot must be required to be documented, which would reduce the shooting sprees that happen in cases where suspects get mowed down with up to twenty bullets in their bodies.
You betray a fundamental ignorance of modern policing in the United States when you say "Every shot must be required to be documented" - that is current standard operating procedure for any law enforcement body that I've ever encountered. Your polyglot martial artists in Priuses would make for a good movie, maybe, but this is the US, and gun ownership is very popular here - you can't neuter cops and expect them to have any success in their mission to maintain peace and order.

This is not that simple an issue, nor is it a one-sided problem.

One thing that every police force can do is adopt more rigorous screening of applicants, and psychological assessments. It's not necessarily always a race issue with a bad cop - some are equal opportunity thugs, power-tripping, nasty people. And you can see that from a distance. Just look. 👀
You betray a fundamental ignorance of modern policing in the United States when you say "Every shot must be required to be documented"

I think what he's talking about is trigger discipline. As it applies to the cases where 60 shots are fired in a place full of innocent people and only 2 or 3 hit their mark.
My point of view:

A police organisation has to be based on a number of basic guidelines:

A solid, in-depth training, including deescalation techniques, and permanent traing in martial arts.

Every police car and every police patrol has to include two officers, best practice would mean them speaking various local foreign languages.

The part that "Defund the Police" is referring to is: Oolice forces must be set back on normal civllan-style vehicles and non-military weaponry. This is basic logic: An officer with to little deescalation trainig who is having military weapons will use them, when he is closing in to feeling overpowered.

The use of firearms must be restricted. Every shot must be required to be documented, which would reduce the shooting sprees that happen in cases where suspects get mowed down with up to twenty bullets in their bodies.
Actually, I agree for the most part. I’d like police to be able to escalate in defense as appropriate.
I think you make sense.

I do think there is more to discuss, but I agree with what you’re saying. We certainly need to do this without risking police and citizens lives.


Closed Account
You betray a fundamental ignorance of modern policing in the United States when you say "Every shot must be required to be documented" - that is current standard operating procedure for any law enforcement body that I've ever encountered. Your polyglot martial artists in Priuses would make for a good movie, maybe, but this is the US, and gun ownership is very popular here - you can't neuter cops and expect them to have any success in their mission to maintain peace and order.
Exactly! That might make for some good Walker: Texas Ranger episodes with Chuck Norris ... but, using Martial Arts instead of guns, tasers, clubs or ANY other kind of Police weapon would STILL leave the Officers with their careers probably over and very likely in prison. From the look of things lately, Police Officers cannot make ANY kind of physical contact with any person. It will immediately get twisted into assault and abuse of power.

I mean fuck ... they've already banned choke holds. Just imagine what hot water world of shit ANY Martial Arts move would result in for Officers.

As for "deescalation" techniques? New breed hoodlums a la Portland / Chicago / New York, etc. are not into standing down to, much less surrendering to deescalation techniques. They've got their mission and are gonna execute it come hell or high water or until they get seriously punched in the mouth with FORCE.

Queen Bogs


I thank Joe for delivering the expected.

Now I’m hoping that Melania delivers his wife’s speech.
That's the least surprising headline I've seen all year. "Joe Biden LYING AGAIN" 😄

Did you know that Joe Biden's dead wife drove through a stop sign, killing herself and injuring their children?

Did you know that Joe routinely lies about the innocent driver that his dead wife slammed into?

Did you know that Joe lies about the innocent, surviving driver, saying that he was drunk - because no one feels much pity for a guy with a dead wife that drove like a drunk herself, killing herself and nearly killing all of her children.

But Joe gets a lot of miles out of her deadly driving - he just has to lie about it.

Joe Biden is rectum crust.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Both of Joe Biden's sons served in the military.

Dumpy's two sons stole money from a childrens' cancer Charity.