Anybody else tired of this BS

Lets not give the Brits too much credit, they would have been in serious trouble had the US not been sending supply ships to them for some time.

Had the Germans been willing to continue the battle of Britain, the brits would have surely fallen, since they could not produce neither planes nor pilots quick enough to cover their losses.

Hindsight is 20/20 , we should all be thankfull Hitler couldn't run an army, for had he listened to his Generals, it's likely the outcome of the European part of the war would have been vastly different.

Either way, Superpowers of the world are often criticized for protecting their interests globally. It has always been this way, and always will be.
I could, like the people above, agree with your post or disagree with it or laugh at you for provoking the same issue you posted against but instead, I will offer to you something much more fundamentally American. Everyone has the right to say whatever they want, even if it is to bash the United States.

Freedom of speech (or typing in this case) is an amazing concept, don't complain when it gets used.
I wouldn't say that Russia and the UK were the mightiest. In truth they both just got lucky geographically. Russia had the benefit of facing an opponent that had to fight a two front war, had harsh winters, and had a wide countryside that made the Germans extend their supply lines. The UK had a benefit that no other country had, and that is called the English Channel. Without that the UK would have probably been crushed.

Sorry but that is not the only reason Britain wasn't crushed D-rock. At the time we had the best armed forces in the world man for man. We also had a plane called the Spitfire that was a true legend in it's own right. We'd have easily have lost the battle of Britain without it. The UK and it's allies had some of the best generals in the world who was allowed to do the job they was there for. Unlike the German generals who had to do exactly what Hitler said, although he didn't have a clue really in warfare tatics.

Plus they wasn't only the British on this little island of ours. There was the free French forces, plus Dutch, Polish, Canadians, etc. On top of these there was the American volunteers, as not all Americans entered the war in 1941, some was there sometime before.

Lets not give the Brits too much credit, they would have been in serious trouble had the US not been sending supply ships to them for some time.

Actually our supplies was coming from British companies in the US.

Had the Germans been willing to continue the battle of Britain, the brits would have surely fallen, since they could not produce neither planes nor pilots quick enough to cover their losses.

The reason the Germans gave up on the Battle of Britain was because of their losses. It was costing them too much and they couldn't keep the production up of planes and ships to the rate of their losses. Their plane loss was about 4 to every British and allied plane shot down. After all it wasn't just British pilots or planes up there. As explained to D-rock above there was other forces on this little island.

Hindsight is 20/20 , we should all be thankfull Hitler couldn't run an army, for had he listened to his Generals, it's likely the outcome of the European part of the war would have been vastly different.

Quite true, except they would still had lots of trouble with Russia with the vast country they would have to defeat. Also they had the Italians too :D (Sorry BNF)

Either way, Superpowers of the world are often criticized for protecting their interests globally. It has always been this way, and always will be.

What is a superpower, is it a country with a bigger, better armed forces and weapons. Or just a country with more money and interests in other countries ?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
::shambles in with a headache::

Agghgrumble.. Bush.. bashing.. pfft. Freedom of speech... country is a totally different place, now..

::drinks a LOT of water and downs my gummi vitamin::

Bastids..rotten schlmazels..crazy assed white christians/catholics/whatever you are! thinking they own everyone and their mama..::goes and gets a link for ya's::

Put that in your pipe and die!

::shambles back out and smooches my star of david:: Aggh..I dont think I drinked that much..
I've made this comment in other threads but I'm tired of all this Anti-Bush/US babble. I think W. is an idiot, but most politicians are. As far as the US bashing goes the US didn't ask to be the worlds police. Europe did back in the 30's. But we stayed out of it till 1941. Yes the US dropped the bomb on Japan. The Soviets,the Germans and even the Japanese were working on the same technology. After WWII the US stayed to help rebuild both Europe and Japan. When that was done most of Europe was worried about the Soviets. So again the Us stayed to help our allies. Most of the Anti-US rhetoric isn't even about the US government, it's about US big business taking over everything. I'm proud to be an American. Yes we have problems but there is nowhere else I'd rather be. :2 cents:

I agree whole heartedly, but if you really look at this war we are fighting this has more to do with religion if anything.

I am tired of the U.S. bashing, we all have 99 problems, but as you say, who don't have one? We all just need to come together and let this shit be.

Like Katt Williams say, smoke some weed and get some of that "fuck it" in your system.
I agree whole heartedly, but if you really look at this war we are fighting this has more to do with religion if anything.

I am tired of the U.S. bashing, we all have 99 problems, but as you say, who don't have one? We all just need to come together and let this shit be.

Like Katt Williams say, smoke some weed and get some of that "fuck it" in your system.

I agree with you. However the problem is that the American bashers won't let it die so the war of words will continue.
I wouldn't say that Russia and the UK were the mightiest. In truth they both just got lucky geographically. Russia had the benefit of facing an opponent that had to fight a two front war, had harsh winters, and had a wide countryside that made the Germans extend their supply lines. The UK had a benefit that no other country had, and that is called the English Channel. Without that the UK would have probably been crushed.

I wasn't including USSR with reference to who were the mightiest countries, i was in fact only referring to Britain and I said that tongue in cheek, as you rightly point out that Britain was indeed helped enormously by the fact that its an island, i apologise for the confusion an emoticon wouldn't of gone amiss me thinks:)

I agree with BNF on his statement .
Looking for the similarities in us is far more constructive that separating us (as a whole).

For the record, I like American people, well those I've met anyway, what i don't like is ignorance and narrow mindedness in anyone, which i felt was displayed in the thread starter, he/she just happens to be an American.
Anyone who says that the "US didn't become the world police untill 1941" has obviously forgotten all about WWI. Or the countless banana wars before that. Or the Spanish-American War... so on and so forth.

Anyone who discounts the massive importance of US manufacturing and production in WWII is deluding themselves. Ameteurs study tactics, professionals study logistics. The massive industrial output of the US was a key factor in destroying the Axis means of waging war - letting the Allied armies crush the Axis forces in the field.

And last but not least - I love my country and her people. I don't like our government much - I rarely do.

But I like those people even less who have but a sparse grasp of this nation, her history and her form of government but don't hesitate to blast away at the drop of a hat. I could point out the many attrocities commited by the former empires on their colonies, or the faults within your own nations - but I digress.

As a 1st Sergeant in my company put it : "Jokers, quit beating your gums".

Looking for the similarities in us is far more constructive that separating us
That sentence sums it up for me.



Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Rank. Assignment. MOS.

91W Combat Medic at your service. Dont call me sir, I work for a living. :p
Dont call me sir, I work for a living. :p

I had (and still have) a lot of respect for you "Docs" :glugglug:

FSgt. R.
Even us "FAKE" Docs? :D
Hi 'Doc',

To put it simply, I might not be here today if it weren't for a combat medic who didn't abandon me at a bad place at a bad time.

But on an online board? Any fake 'Doc' like you is ok by me :glugglug:
