And the "punish and blame everyone except Trayvon" fiasco continues.
Congresscritters Exploit Trayvon Martin Spectacle
What is the point of beatifying a vicious punk who got himself killed by assaulting a neighborhood watch captain, then hyping the story to the top of the news day after day? Authoritarian congresscritters spell it out in black and white:
Capitol Hill lawmakers are doing more than donning hoodies on the House floor to respond to the death of Florida teen Trayvon Martin. Members of Congress are crafting new legislation, using the outcry over the shooting to push an agenda calling for everything from gun control to restrictions on neighborhood watch groups.
Among the most shameless in exploiting the shooting is the preposterous Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL), who represents Sanford, the scene of the Passion of Saint Skittles.
A spokesman confirmed that Wilson plans to call for the creation of a commission to study racial disparities among black men and boys in America.
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, is meanwhile working on a bill that would require neighborhood watch groups — like the one for which shooter George Zimmerman was a volunteer — to register.
That which our rulers want more of, like poverty, they subsidize. That which they want less of, like conscientious citizens defending their neighborhoods from crime, they force to register.
[Congressional Black Caucus] members last week introduced a separate resolution calling on states to repeal so-called “Stand Your Ground” laws. The law, a version of which was enacted in Florida in 2005, allows for individuals to use deadly force — even outside their home — if they feel threatened.
In addition, they are rewriting history by officially declaring that Zimmerman’s “unfounded assumptions and racial bias led to the use of deadly force,” even though this itself is an unfounded assumption.
But all this is nibbling around the edges. The real prize is the Second Amendment. The right to bear arms is so fundamental to American civilization that authoritarians have settled on destroying it in small increments, using every opportunity to cast armed private citizens as the villains, rather than the criminals they defend themselves against.