Any tips to a good night sleep

its been four sleepless nights later and i have a grand total of 8 to 9 hours of sleep total in four days i have tired sex , masterbation , sleep aids and yet nothing . im so tired but i cant sleep so any good tips for a good nights rest

ps i dont drink or do illegal drugs so dont waste your time there
Another insomniac here :wave: I find that if you have had a day where you have done something physical it's easier to get off to sleep. Thats not always the case, but I would say do some excercise an hour or so before you sleep.

But dont listen to me, I'm an insomniac. What the hell do I know :D
i was always taught not to excercise before bed cus it gets your body racing and basically wakes it up but ill have to give it a try thanks for the tip
Saw something about a study and they found what is most effective is don't sleep...

They found people who really suffered insomnia were rather napping a few hours than sleeping, what they did was force the person to stay awake for as long as possible until the point they were absolutely knackered and couldn't go on, they found it added a few extra hours.

I don't know if it will work for you or not, and tends to be difficult if you have commitments outside of the time needed.
i was always taught not to excercise before bed cus it gets your body racing and basically wakes it up but ill have to give it a try thanks for the tip

You can try tensing and holding each of your muscles for a few seconds. after you work up from your feet and back down tensing it is a good relaxive technique can also help.
i was always taught not to excercise before bed cus it gets your body racing and basically wakes it up but ill have to give it a try thanks for the tip

I didnt mean right before you sleep, but throughout the day. If you stay active you are going to be using a lot of the energy being created in your body. But I you are going to exercise at night. leave an hour or two between the time you do exercise and when you go to bed so you body can relax afterwards.

Also, if you have irregular sleep patterns it would be best for you start going or trying to go to sleep at regular times.
A buddy of mine uses this technique. Sometimes, he has trouble sleeping, and he read this somewhere. He says it works.

Lay down. Get comfortable. Regulate your breathing. Clear your mind, and then go through the process of visualizing and trying to feel each part of your body, starting from your toes, all the way up to your scalp, relaxing one after the other. Try to flex the muscles, wear out the tension and then let it relax.

Idealy, it should be like counting sheep. Like you'd fall asleep before you finished. Just try not to worry about an innability to sleep. Don't think about it. Just do it. If it doesn't work the first time, start at the top of your body and go through it again.

I've never tried it. Usually, when I have trouble sleeping, I get a glass of milk, lay back down and just let my mind wander off until I'm out.

Peace and love, man. :)


Torn & Frayed.
"My advice to you,is to start drinking heavily"

i was always taught not to excercise before bed cus it gets your body racing and basically wakes it up but ill have to give it a try thanks for the tip

If you exercise at night it WILL keep you awake. The average person takes approximately 4 hours after an exercise to "slow down". Medical science says: avoid caffeine(obviously), make your room as dark as possible, cooler temperatures aid in falling asleep, avoid alcohol and try no to be hungry. The irritability from low blood sugar can keep you awake.:yinyang:


i was always taught not to excercise before bed cus it gets your body racing and basically wakes it up but ill have to give it a try thanks for the tip

Not before sleep, just at some point during the day.
its been four sleepless nights later and i have a grand total of 8 to 9 hours of sleep total in four days i have tired sex , masterbation , sleep aids and yet nothing . im so tired but i cant sleep so any good tips for a good nights rest

ps i dont drink or do illegal drugs so dont waste your time there

im the same mate i have big problems trying to sleep it,s drives me mad then im wrecked the next day in work :mad:. nothing helps either :mad:
Depending on what time you wanna go to bed, I would suggest exercise about 3-5 hours before sleep. Doing it an hour before sleep will still leave you feeling restless because your body is still in that mode. I also prefer to take a regular amount of nyquil if I can't get to sleep, the regular sleep aids help me sleep but they also cause your sleep patterns to go way out of whack (i.e. you go from light sleep to deep sleep back and forth a lot) which makes me feel really groggy the next morning. One thing I learned recently is that reading in bed also helps, but make sure you don't have a tv or music on.
Well cannabis is an awesome way to relax and sleep very well, especially hashish.

But since that is out of the picture, I'd probably recommend:

Get physically exhausted. Either work out very hard or just spend hours outdoors. In fact, I think a lot of people's insomnia is due to them not being outdoors enough. Personally, I fish quite a lot. And everytime I do, I sleep like a baby when I get home. Don't ask me why, but there's something about the wind and the sun light that's highly effective.
Exercise helps because it makes your body relaxed so you don't twist around as much. Pre-tension of muscles it's called in Swedish, don't know the English word :D

Also, don't drink coffee or eat lots of sugary stuff before you sleep - obviously. Milk contains substances (melatonin and tryptophan) that help falling asleep. Some people argue that these substances don't make up for activating the digestive system, but I think it works pretty well. Could be placebo, but does that really matter? Despite the long-lived myth, I haven't noticed any difference if it's warm or not.

If you play video games, don't do it right before you sleep. Trust me on this one, it's horrible. You wind up your brain and can't relax properly. Instead, read, listen to music or watch some movie instead. More passive activities so to speak :)
Personally, I think nature documentaries or reading fiction works wonders. It helps you clear your mind, and that's very useful because often the reason for insomnia is thinking too much about specific matters in your life. Listening to music is also great. It doesn't have to be whale song or new age music, even thrash metal has put me to sleep at times. Trippy music is especially good though in my opinion, Pink Floyd or ambient electronica for example. My own theory is that steady rhythms and repetitive patterns are the best, but I can't really prove that to you :D

Now for the most important advice:
Catch the sleep train!
Don't ever go to bed because you "have to". Instead, get ready for bed some time earlier. When you feel that you're getting tired, be prepared to just shut the light and lie down. This is essential because if you just go to bed out of routine You Might end up lying awake for an hour, and that in turn will make the insomnia even worse. A bad circle.

Also, having a nice temperature of choice, comfortable bed and fresh air helps a lot too. Especially if you have problems falling asleep.

If despite all of this you still have problems sleeping, maybe it's stress I don't know really. But worst case scenario, just grab a sleeping pill. I've used it many times when I felt that I just had to sleep (work or travel), and they work very well. Just make sure you don't dose them too high or take them too often. But for getting into the right cycle they're unmatched.
Alternatively, stay awake an entire night and you will no doubt be tired the next night. That way you fall into the right hours naturally, and going to bed in the darkest hour can be quite important (especially if you live in a light area.)

To sum things up:
make sure you're both physically and mentally tired, don't work up your brain with too much philosophing and don't stress having to sleep too much, wait for it to happen.

Cheers :sleep:

The Paulinator

Spreading the seed
Melatonin. It is naturally released by the brain when it enters sleep-cycle. You can get the pills at any drug store. I only use it a couple of times a month, and when you doze off, you will get the deepest sleep.

Exercise regularly, not right before bedtime, but before dinner. this will quell your appetite at dinner, and free up some calories so you can have a low-sugar snack about an hour before bed.