Any tips to a good night sleep

I'm suffering from insomnia so I get really frustrated when I get a few hours of sleep. My only advice is to read a book or you can take prescription pills if that doesnt help.
A buddy of mine uses this technique. Sometimes, he has trouble sleeping, and he read this somewhere. He says it works.

Lay down. Get comfortable. Regulate your breathing. Clear your mind, and then go through the process of visualizing and trying to feel each part of your body, starting from your toes, all the way up to your scalp, relaxing one after the other. Try to flex the muscles, wear out the tension and then let it relax.

Idealy, it should be like counting sheep. Like you'd fall asleep before you finished. Just try not to worry about an innability to sleep. Don't think about it. Just do it. If it doesn't work the first time, start at the top of your body and go through it again.

This is the most basic part of a technique that we are taught in SERE school, I could tell you the rest but then I might have to kill you.

Most people can figure out the rest on thier own but once you have mastered this you will be amazed not only at how fast you can fall asleep when you want to but where you can fall asleep. Some of the more interesting examples are...

In 0G
Standing up
Steated and upright
Upside down
While restrained
all of the above
Okay dont laugh--but warm milk with sugar works wonders for me.

on a more lighter note---Stack all your kitchen knives on your ceiling fan and lay below it--now switch it on and thou shalt get the most wonderful and endless sleep.(note to meself: Gotta stop watching the gore flicks)

Ps:-Warm milk with sugar really works wonders

There's a natural enzyme in milk that actually does help the body get to sleep. It's one of several old wives tales that does have some merit to it.

Same with turkey. You know how everyone always talks about a nap after thanksgiving dinner. Well, there ya go. :)