Someone needs to dig up his last batch of campaign ads though, for a good laugh. I'm guessing there will be a pickup truck in the background, a flag waving "yonder," wide open "range" as far as the eye can see. Maybe a twangy guitar faintly heard...and Gee Golly Roy tearing up for the camera about how much he loves "my country" :crying: :rofl2:
As funny as Roy Ashburn's political ads probably are given his "coming out party", I really am laughing harder at Philby's ~meltdown~ over defending anyone who DARES utter a word against the Church :dunno: Philby, are you trying to audition for a part on "Touched by an Angel"

Another of your more stupid posts...keep trying.
I defend good works, of which the Church has a great many of, to be accurate.
A few pedophiles don't compose the whole Church, and dishonest weasels (such as yourself) who try to paint the good priests and Sisters who work tirelessly in the worst shitholes on the planet to help people as suspect pedos, really suck. They are far above you and the usual bashers found here, in goodness and human decency.
You obviously have precious little real-world experience, but I do...and I've run across priests and sisters almost everywhere I go...whatever their Church's motives are these people are out there doing good works and feeding/giving medical help to really desperate're here on FreeOnes talking shit and wasting space.
Between several posters' gay fantasies and the endemic Church bashing, it is obvious a porn forum attracts many "off" people with serious issues...not surprising.
But nothing is changed, the Church is what it is, and nothing you twist can make anyone here be pro or anti religion just to make your post seem "funnier"...I am no supporter of the Church, Islam, or you...
all liars are my enemies.
But the priests and sisters deserve respect, just like males in Western Society deserve common respect as people...even though almost every pedophile caught is a male and a Western one at that...
Matter of fact, that would mean, since you are a male and in a Western country, you are most likely a pedophile according to the prevailing theory here. You are a sick puppy...put the kid down, and step away...!:nono: