
You get all nervous and awkward around gay people when they talk about "gay things." It shouldn't bother you because you're apparently the straightest man alive. Maybe you should take a look inside and address the problem with your sexuality.

I ask again...what problem?

I truly believe you are dumb as dirt, but I am willing to be proven explain without just making declarations.
You get all nervous and awkward around gay people when they talk about "gay things."
^^You seriously didn't read the first sentence?

It shouldn't affect you, but it does. I don't think you realize that gay men aren't trying to "gay up" the straights. Do not flatter yourself.

If you truly were in touch with your sexuality, you wouldn't need to get uncomfortable. This is a textbook case.


^^You seriously didn't read the first sentence?

It shouldn't affect you, but it does. I don't think you realize that gay men aren't trying to "gay up" the straights. Do not flatter yourself.

If you truly were in touch with your sexuality, you wouldn't need to get uncomfortable. This is a textbook case.

I don't think you ever read a textbook on the subject...I am not "nervous" or "awkward" around gays, I have been around many groups of gay men and women, with many being friends...I find male sex disgusting, as do most male heterosexuals, and am not into dwelling on the subject. Other than that, I have no problem existing around gay people, like my 20-something nephew.
We are close family, and my kid loves him...we don't discuss buttfucking and get along fine.
You are, like I thought, dumb as dirt.:thumbsup:
Do you honestly think gay people only talk about buttsex?

You know, your "LALALALA I'M NOT LISTENING YOU ARE DUMB LALALA" tactic might have worked in the schoolyard, but alas, you're an adult...right?
Please! He was just investigating the sordid lifestyle of a gay person so he could be better equipped to judge them! I mean, sheesh, way to spin the article neolib style!
Please! He was just investigating the sordid lifestyle of a gay person so he could be better equipped to judge them! I mean, sheesh, way to spin the article neolib style!

That's probably what I would say to cover my ass. :1orglaugh


That's probably what I would say to cover my ass. :1orglaugh

I jerk off 50 times a day 'cause I love having sex with a woman and I'm a babe magnet.

I'm gonna guess 15-18 years old...probably a virgin.:rofl2:

Do you honestly think gay people only talk about buttsex?

You know, your "LALALALA I'M NOT LISTENING YOU ARE DUMB LALALA" tactic might have worked in the schoolyard, but alas, you're an adult...right?

I rest my case...DAD.:D

You and me both.

Actually the only accurate thing you've ever's like the Dumb-as-Dirt All-Stars Post Parade!
(Underage teeny drivel, a guy who has gay shower fantasies and shares with thousands on a Porn site, and a Klingon named Pete Rose who giggles like a girl...and no one seems to have pointed out before how completely ignorant ya'll are...!Un-fucking-believeable!:rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:
^ Does anybody find this guy funny? :dunno:


If you don't believe in Gay marriage, according to Hellraisin and others of his soul-bros, you are a screaming homosexual hypocritical bible thumping Christian with a wife and children just to fool us for these 20+ years...really!

I dont really care to be honest as I will never personally experience or have trouble in this regard.

But I must raise issue with this singular point you make. Its fabulously stupid its well known and documented in history and through various media like newspapers, biographies etc. Many a gay man has led the married lifestyle pretending to be straight its just plain trufax, Various reasons I suspect for this include:

- Lets be honest here even in today's society with more liberal attitudes and shit, Its still isnt 100 per cent cool to admit your gay.
- In the past especially in the likes of the uk it was illegal and was referred to as sodomy. In order to become successful I imagine, Have a good job, Get promotions etc it always looks good to be a normal "happily" married bloke. This today still applies to a certain extent especially in regards to politics*. Political correctness etc is all nice and fine on paper but as far as people actually putting into practice? Man folks probably dont realise half the time when they are being prejudiced or whatever as its deeply socially ingrained.
- A gay man like a heterosexual man may want to have kids. Unfortunately two blokes arent capable of this. They may throw away a life of sexual fulfilment to them that is, in exchange for a life where they can have kids.

Probably a few others they themshelves could explain.

*Has their or will their ever be a president of the united states who is a bachelor?


Re: Anti-Gay State Senator........................

Sorry for being tardy to the party. Just to make a game out of it in the order of contesting myself, I'm going to make some assumptions before I read through the posts contained herein : ''Anti-Gay State Sen. arrested for DUI after leaving Gay Nightclub'' thread.

Allow me to attest that I solemnly swear :)angels:) that I haven't read any of the post entries as of yet, I've only read the title. As you know, this is rare for me to reply to a thread title w/out thoroughly reviewing all posts prior. :o:D

Here goes -

The intention of this tread is to produce a referendum like atmosphere toward the republican party in all it's entirety.

After all, the democrats are the party of highest moral - ethical standards
- Nancy Pelosi said so !

... be back later to see how I fared - :o


I dont really care to be honest as I will never personally experience or have trouble in this regard.

But I must raise issue with this singular point you make. Its fabulously stupid its well known and documented in history and through various media like newspapers, biographies etc. Many a gay man has led the married lifestyle pretending to be straight its just plain trufax, Various reasons I suspect for this include:

- Lets be honest here even in today's society with more liberal attitudes and shit, Its still isnt 100 per cent cool to admit your gay.
- In the past especially in the likes of the uk it was illegal and was referred to as sodomy. In order to become successful I imagine, Have a good job, Get promotions etc it always looks good to be a normal "happily" married bloke. This today still applies to a certain extent especially in regards to politics*. Political correctness etc is all nice and fine on paper but as far as people actually putting into practice? Man folks probably dont realise half the time when they are being prejudiced or whatever as its deeply socially ingrained.
- A gay man like a heterosexual man may want to have kids. Unfortunately two blokes arent capable of this. They may throw away a life of sexual fulfilment to them that is, in exchange for a life where they can have kids.

Probably a few others they themshelves could explain.

*Has their or will their ever be a president of the united states who is a bachelor?

You are smoking hashish again, right?:sleep:
Wow...that made almost no real sense, but that's becoming the norm for your long just make up silly stuff and think you just had such a bright thought...:D


Re: Anti-Gay State Senator........................

Sorry for being tardy to the party. Just to make a game out of it in the order of contesting myself, I'm going to make some assumptions before I read through the posts contained herein : ''Anti-Gay State Sen. arrested for DUI after leaving Gay Nightclub'' thread.

Allow me to attest that I solemnly swear :)angels:) that I haven't read any of the post entries as of yet, I've only read the title. As you know, this is rare for me to reply to a thread title w/out thoroughly reviewing all posts prior. :o:D

Here goes -

The intention of this tread is to produce a referendum like atmosphere toward the republican party in all it's entirety.

After all, the democrats are the party of highest moral - ethical standards
- Nancy Pelosi said so !

... be back later to see how I fared - :o

You nailed that perfectly...even though it's a Dem who got a DWI and didn't get caught doing anything gay at all, most of the usual haters and dimbulbs are on and on about Republcan/Conservative hypocrites who are really gay but have wives and children just to fool us all...but they know the real truth...!:rofl:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Man, people on here argue too much. Can we just go back to making gay jokes?
Think about it...all he is in trouble for is a DWI...the Huffington Post, known for editing the truth a lot, CLAIMS he was coming from a Gay Bar...what does that mean? Only gays allowed? I've taken girls dancing at "Gay" clubs 'cause their sound system and dance floor were awesome...lots of people drink in bars where gays and straights both go.
I lived in New Orleans for years...gays and straights mix in general public areas without thinking about what's the big deal? He got a that's unusual in any city in the USA?
Nowhere is there any mention of his getting caught getting a BJ from a dude, or showering with roronoa3000 and getting caught.
So far, it's mostly small minds with no actual clue if he's gay or not claiming he's a hypocrite...consider the source.

You can say that again.

US anti-gay rights senator Roy Ashburn comes out

A conservative US state senator who has voted against gay rights measures during his 14 years in office has confessed he is gay.

Republican Roy Ashburn came out during a radio interview in California, where he sits on the state legislature.

He has been on leave since his arrest last week on suspicion of driving under the influence.

Mr Ashburn said his votes reflected the way his constituents wanted him to vote, not his own "internal conflict".

"I am gay... those are the words that have been so difficult for me for so long," the 55-year-old divorced father-of-four told KERN radio.

Mr Ashburn said he felt the need to address rumours that he had visited a gay nightclub before his arrest on suspicion of drinking and driving in Sacramento on 3 March.

Last year, Mr Ashburn opposed a bill to establish a day of recognition to honour murdered gay rights activist Harvey Milk.

He has also voted in the statehouse against efforts to expand anti-discrimination laws and recognise out-of-state gay marriages.

Mr Ashburn, who represents California's 18th district, said he does not plan to run for any public office after his term ends later this year.
