Anita Dark

Older Anita Dark pics??!?

Hi guys,

I'm looking for older Anita Dark pics. Soft or hard!;)
Can you help me??

Here's an example:


  • anita_dark_soft0185.jpg
    69.6 KB · Views: 1,309
Hello again Merrymaker. Long time no see! Sorry, I have no pics...
She's really attractive. A very nice face , and the body is not so bad!!!
She'd be nicer in a FREEONES shirt , of course!!!


  • anitashirt08.jpg
    57.5 KB · Views: 11,382
Anita Dark!!!!

hello mates anyone got full sets of her. she is fucking amazing hot but i can't find full sets.

anybody please help me:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

[Please Note: the attachement in this post has been deleted by moderator thfcmad]