Anita Dark

it seems that imageshack does not work, i try again with another one:

**links removed due to hotlink**
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Holly Crap,
You should put a ******* up at :

and share the wealth. You would be hailed as a god!

As for a trade, how about my old girlfriend ( ex supermodel ) & 2 cows?
No matter how good looking a woman is, some guy some place is tired of her!

EDIT: Confucius say, "Read the friggen board rules"!

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you are right, i am sorry for this, i have two violations in one post :o , here is the corrected version, hope a mod will supress the previous ones. Sorry again.

hope this is ok like this

is it ok to post movies on megaupload for example?

EDIT: Please read the board rules.
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