Here's my take on it, WHY IS IT NEWS THAT A CELEB IS GAY, BI, or whatever? Who knows that Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones, and Josh Brolin could have had major sex in one of their trailers while using alien props for extra dildos while using shaving cream to cover up the taste of each others cum while shoving up bananas up their asses so they could get chocolate covered bananas.
Oh god, my eyes! My EYES!!! :scream: :eek:
Seriously though, being BI, Gay, Trans, or whatever is old news and it shouldn't be that shocking in this day an age. (I personally am not, but I have friends that fit in a few of those categories.) Now what would be very news worthy would be if Obama turns gay and gets it on in the oval office with Mitt Romney. Then that would be worth the time and the footage.
The way I look at it, as a bisexual transgender, it's NOT a bad thing that he's gay. I came out as a bisexual and a transgender in high school. Cooper's now a middle-aged guy who parlayed his family connections and good looks into a national TV gig (albiet not a very successful one), but he has hidden his true self the whole time. If this were 10 years ago, it would probably be wiser to stay in the closet. But now? Why was he still hiding it? His colleague, Don Lemon, recently came out of the closet. And CNN's audience, as well as pop culture in general, fully accepts LGBTs. My cynical side tells me that Cooper perhaps realized his ratings couldn't get any lower, so he decided to come out to generate publicity/buzz, thereby BOOSTING his ratings. In conclusion, Cooper's a phony who's now using his sex life for higher ratings and profit. That constitutes a DOUBLE FAIL, I believe.