Anderson Cooper is Gay



My Penis Is Dancing!
I have always said that if I were to go gay, it would be with Anderson Cooper, Neil Patrick Harris or Brad Pitt.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I never really cared for him before. This news did not alter my opinion of him.

No homo, but if you had to go gay, he wouldn't be a bad option. Just sayin'...


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Never heard of him.


This news is even more shocking than Christy McNichol or Rob Halford.


Seriously though, congrats to Anderson Cooper. As Dan Rather would say: "courage".

Amusingly though, since pretty much everyone already knew, this situation is kinda like a talking hamburger making an appearance on "All In The Family" and announcing that it's made of ground beef.

Edith Bunker would be the only one in the room commenting: "Oh my gosh, Archie. . . I always thought he was made of ham. . ."



Official Checked Star Member
He's on my list of hot gay guys that I'll never get to boink. Le sigh.