Awesome rebuttal dude. For a moment there I had written off as an intellectual pygmy.
This isn't about me, nor should it be. It's about a tragedy that took place at a ballgame. One where a man was severely beaten like an animal and left for dead.
It's about trying to make sense of a situation where evil people roam the streets and disrupt everyday normal living against people who are productive and who have committed their lives to helping others. Such as this man, who was a paramedic.
It's about a man who took his two children to a ballgame... doing things together, when it seems all we hear anymore is deadbeat dads who never take responsibility for their children, and who are absent in the rearing of their children.
It's about thugs who seemingly get away with horrific crimes against everyday-type citizens.
It's about these perpetrators who live in the city, roaming the streets like wild animals, preying on productive individuals who are merely trying to enjoy what leisure time they can find.
And sadly, it's about people like you and the Stan, who would rather nitpick about his Bryan's physical and mental status, and my style (or lack of) writing, versus focusing your anger to-wards the low-lifes who have ruined this man's life.
Beat up on me, I could care less. But for God's sake, have some sympathy for the victim in this case. I sense that you and Stan have no anger towards the perps in this case. Rather, you seem to find more enjoyment in dissecting my writing and "logic".. or again, lack of.