And now he's a vegetable


Is somewhere outhere.
Don't they do that 3 strikes and you're in the jail thing,and if so,then why
was he released into the public if he was a persistent re-offender :dunno:

Surely the high and mighty justice system has totally failed.Although there is
nothing new to that. ;)

Will E Worm

Yes. And you know where I'm going with this, right? If he had been carrying a gun, he would still be going to baseball games with his children. And, several THUGS would be worm food right now.

Considering how some in here HATE guns, the above scenario sounds better than the one that actually happened, wouldn't you agree?


LOL@ your logic...

What part of CRIMINAL do you not understand?

1. Criminals disregard all laws. Hence, that makes them a criminal!
2. Criminals deal in illegal drug activity all the time.
3. Criminals rob and steal from other innocent people all the time.
4. Criminals kill innocent people all the time.
5. Criminals kill other criminals all the time.
6. Criminals rob local merchants all the time.
7. Criminals roam around in gangs intimidating others, including law abiding people, such as paramedics with their children at baseball games.
8. Criminals do not apply for gun carrying permits. They simply disobey the laws and well... break the law.

Law abiding citizens do not perform the above activities. Hence, they are not labeled as CRIMINALS.

It's nice to see that you side with the criminals and criminal activity, you fucking asswipe.

LOL at your comment..."Because had he been allowed to carry a gun, he would have been dead. Why? Because the two thugs also would have been able to carry guns and would have gunned him down before he could have reacted."

Jeezuz Krist dude, he was a paramedic. He reacts to terrible situations professionally and very calmy to help people who are in dire need of emergency care all the time. I'm sure he would have been aware of his situation. Yet you, with all your infinite wisdom have the balls to say he he would have been gunned down?????

Gunned down???? GOD DAMN..... he's a fucking vegetable now!!!! Your point is??????????

Criminals carry guns all the time.

Law abiding citizens are treated more like criminals since they can't carry weapons.
Even though we have the right to keep and bear arms.


My Penis Is Dancing!
LOL@ your logic...

What part of CRIMINAL do you not understand?

1. Criminals disregard all laws. Hence, that makes them a criminal!
2. Criminals deal in illegal drug activity all the time.
3. Criminals rob and steal from other innocent people all the time.
4. Criminals kill innocent people all the time.
5. Criminals kill other criminals all the time.
6. Criminals rob local merchants all the time.
7. Criminals roam around in gangs intimidating others, including law abiding people, such as paramedics with their children at baseball games.
8. Criminals do not apply for gun carrying permits. They simply disobey the laws and well... break the law.

Law abiding citizens do not perform the above activities. Hence, they are not labeled as CRIMINALS.

It's nice to see that you side with the criminals and criminal activity, you fucking asswipe.

LOL at your comment..."Because had he been allowed to carry a gun, he would have been dead. Why? Because the two thugs also would have been able to carry guns and would have gunned him down before he could have reacted."

Jeezuz Krist dude, he was a paramedic. He reacts to terrible situations professionally and very calmy to help people who are in dire need of emergency care all the time. I'm sure he would have been aware of his situation. Yet you, with all your infinite wisdom have the balls to say he he would have been gunned down?????

Gunned down???? GOD DAMN..... he's a fucking vegetable now!!!! Your point is??????????

Apparently, your ability to read is as great as your ability to reason.
I will quote a part of the article I linked, since you were unable to find this key point buried all the way in the second paragraph:

While the 42-year-old paramedic from Santa Cruz is still in the early stages of his fight, doctors said, his recent progress - in breathing, speaking, eating and moving - has readied him for the next step.

Since, with that simple fact, I have destroyed every bit of your...we will call it logic, for want of a better phrase.
You are not very bright, at all.


Apparently, your ability to read is as great as your ability to reason.
I will quote a part of the article I linked, since you were unable to find this key point buried all the way in the second paragraph:

Since, with that simple fact, I have destroyed every bit of your...we will call it logic, for want of a better phrase.
You are not very bright, at all.

I think he meant figuratively or perhaps comparatively a veggie... you know, he'll likely be severely handicapped for the rest of his life... maybe?

Was I close luvsem? Was I even in the ballpark so to speak? :D


Closed Account
I think he meant figuratively or perhaps comparatively a veggie... you know, he'll likely be severely handicapped for the rest of his life... maybe?

Was I close luvsem? Was I even in the ballpark so to speak? :D
Not only were you in the ballpark, you also hit a home run. Thank you.

SS seems to think all is well with the victim, Bryan Stow. Really? Hmmm... here he is before the beat-down.


And here is his most recent accomplishment which was just a few days ago... the writing of his name.


A wonderful accomplishment, no doubt. But, SS would have you believe that he is back at work, and playing catch with his kids again. Here's his website for more information about his ongoing recovery.

Sounds to me like SS has more sympathy for the perps, than he does the victim. Typical liberal! Or, in this case.. typical for someone who idolizes John Lennon.


My Penis Is Dancing!
So, we dug up a seven month old story to poorly prove a point?
Because had he been allowed to carry a gun, he would have been dead. Why? Because the two thugs also would have been able to carry guns and would have gunned him down before he could have reacted.

This is the only mention of the thugs that I have made. Oh! There I went again...I sympathized with the thugs!
Now, let me find the part where I said Stow was dancing in the park...nope. Can't find it. However, I can find several instances where a man of almost pure genius claimed that this man is still a vegetable...if only there was some proof for that which still existed, like a headline or something. I don't know. I will have to dig for it.
But, you know, keep on doing what you are doing. Sure, I have a pencil stub (sans eraser) with better reasoning skills than yourself. Yes, of course I find your posts as stimulating and insightful as a used condom. Granted, I have a 500 megabyte hard drive that I fried in a Mythbusters-like experiment with a better ability to retain memory. Of course, you have the maturity of a grown mayfly. I've leafed through the single empty pages of books which hold more meaning than all of your posts combined. Your ability to connect with logic is akin to the 2011 version of Adam Dunn's ability to connect with a slider thrown by a southpaw. The dinosaurs are less extinct than your points. But, you know, keep on doing what you are doing.


Closed Account
This is the only mention of the thugs that I have made. Oh! There I went again...I sympathized with the thugs!
Now, let me find the part where I said Stow was dancing in the park...nope. Can't find it. However, I can find several instances where a man of almost pure genius claimed that this man is still a vegetable...if only there was some proof for that which still existed, like a headline or something. I don't know. I will have to dig for it.
But, you know, keep on doing what you are doing. Sure, I have a pencil stub (sans eraser) with better reasoning skills than yourself. Yes, of course I find your posts as stimulating and insightful as a used condom. Granted, I have a 500 megabyte hard drive that I fried in a Mythbusters-like experiment with a better ability to retain memory. Of course, you have the maturity of a grown mayfly. I've leafed through the single empty pages of books which hold more meaning than all of your posts combined. Your ability to connect with logic is akin to the 2011 version of Adam Dunn's ability to connect with a slider thrown by a southpaw. The dinosaurs are less extinct than your points. But, you know, keep on doing what you are doing.
Nice try. But weak, very, very weak.


Closed Account
Awesome rebuttal dude. For a moment there I had written off as an intellectual pygmy.
This isn't about me, nor should it be. It's about a tragedy that took place at a ballgame. One where a man was severely beaten like an animal and left for dead.

It's about trying to make sense of a situation where evil people roam the streets and disrupt everyday normal living against people who are productive and who have committed their lives to helping others. Such as this man, who was a paramedic.

It's about a man who took his two children to a ballgame... doing things together, when it seems all we hear anymore is deadbeat dads who never take responsibility for their children, and who are absent in the rearing of their children.

It's about thugs who seemingly get away with horrific crimes against everyday-type citizens.

It's about these perpetrators who live in the city, roaming the streets like wild animals, preying on productive individuals who are merely trying to enjoy what leisure time they can find.

And sadly, it's about people like you and the Stan, who would rather nitpick about his Bryan's physical and mental status, and my style (or lack of) writing, versus focusing your anger to-wards the low-lifes who have ruined this man's life.

Beat up on me, I could care less. But for God's sake, have some sympathy for the victim in this case. I sense that you and Stan have no anger towards the perps in this case. Rather, you seem to find more enjoyment in dissecting my writing and "logic".. or again, lack of.


It's about trying to make sense of a situation where evil people roam the streets and disrupt everyday normal living against people who are productive and who have committed their lives to helping others. Such as this man, who was a paramedic.

It's about a man who took his two children to a ballgame... doing things together, when it seems all we hear anymore is deadbeat dads who never take responsibility for their children, and who are absent in the rearing of their children.

It's about thugs who seemingly get away with horrific crimes against everyday-type citizens.

It's about these perpetrators who live in the city, roaming the streets like wild animals, preying on productive individuals who are merely trying to enjoy what leisure time they can find.

It's about sanctimoniousness gun fags who demonstrate their utter lack of taste by using a victim of violent crime as an opportunity to promote their retarded approach to crime prevention, usually by citing a bunch of irrelevant, cliched and disproven talking points they gleaned off the NRA's website.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
It's about sanctimoniousness gun fags who demonstrate their utter lack of taste by using a victim of violent crime as an opportunity to promote their retarded approach to crime prevention, usually by citing a bunch of irrelevant, cliched and disproven talking points they gleaned off the NRA's website.



Sounds to me like SS has more sympathy for the perps, than he does the victim. Typical liberal! Or, in this case.. typical for someone who idolizes John Lennon.

Imagine a perfect world where all competition was forbidden, everybody was equal by fiat and there was no hell below us... Mr. Stow would be in perfect health today... Imagine! :stir:



Hiliary 2020
I don't think he got owned.
If he's saying that if many law biding citizens could carry guns that it might prevent more violent crime than I agree with that.
Meaning, before some predator decides to rob, rape or kill someone they may think twice before doing it if there;s a good chance the
object of their crime might be packing heat, or someone nearby might be.
either that or just all wait until it's your turn.
Iv'e had guns in my face, threatening to kill me twice in my life.
Both times I thought I was a dead man.
I remember both times thinking 2 things: I hope it's quick and I wish I had a weapon.
Luckily I survived both incidents, but that was 100% the decision of the person with the gun, not at all mine.


Luvs, I heard that someone was killed in a car accident recently.

I guess if they would have been carrying, they could have shot the other driver to death before the collision, thus saving their own life.


Luvs, I heard that someone was killed in a car accident recently.

I guess if they would have been carrying, they could have shot the other driver to death before the collision, thus saving their own life.

Seriously? Dude, we already have one emcee. We don't need another.