An eyeful a day keeps the doctor away

of course it is fake you think that "death" will wait a bit longer just because you looked at boobs ... Nah, i don't think so, but i feel happier when i see them ...
Now I know why I hate to have sex in total darkness.

Now there is a good point. I totally prefer sex in a lighted room. I think it is so much more exciting. Becks prefers sex in the dark though, but luckily we have a compromise (at least when we are in the bedroom) as the hall light is on and illuminates just enough to please the eye.
What I still wonder ...

Now there is a good point. I totally prefer sex in a lighted room. I think it is so much more exciting. Becks prefers sex in the dark though, but luckily we have a compromise (at least when we are in the bedroom) as the hall light is on and illuminates just enough to please the eye.
What I still wonder is if women really don't like the light because they really don't feel comfortable with their body like they say?
Or if it's a way to mask the fact that they really don't care for the body of their male lover, at least not enough to want the added visual?


I mean, if they had a well hung, fit, handsome stud out of their dreams, would they turn off the lights so quickly?
You women laugh that off, but I'm sorry, I've seen way too many women deny that they watch Top Gun for the beach volleyball scene when I've caught their stares. ;)

The TiVO statistics don't lie any more than the Video and Soundtrack sales did before TiVO either.
don't be a hater.

read an article by hayter.
To be fair just raising your heartbeat isn't as good as an actual full body aerobic workout, which you get other benefits for. Otherwise watching a scary movie or drinking caffeine would make you live forever. :1orglaugh


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! I'm helping mankind!!! :nanner:

AHEM.. mankind? Only if everybody can see them at any time.

But you're helping one guy. Be a humanitarian and share the bountiful bosom, already! There are starving children in zimbabwe! (I think)
Maybe the safest way is to do both, excersice and stare at your favourite body parts, be it breasts, legs, butt, elbow, or whatever.

Keep in mind that staring at these figures at wrong place and wrong time will be very bad for your health, and will reduce your life time by many years.
If it`s rue that ogling chesticles is as good as 30 minutes in the gym,then i should be as fit as a robbers dog.

AHEM.. mankind? Only if everybody can see them at any time.

But you're helping one guy. Be a humanitarian and share the bountiful bosom, already! There are starving children in zimbabwe! (I think)

Well, Senob sees them...of course.

Maybe I occasionally show them off at work. :angels:

I'm sure there's pics somewhere...


In the nude gets routine sometimes . . no ?

Gotta love the scantily clad and curvaceous ! :bowdown:flylicker:scream: