Not so fast...
I thought the US has the highest murder rate. However, it doesn't diminish the connection between the number of guns in legal circulation and the number of murders commited in either the US or those other countries.
No, the U.S. does not have the highest murder rate but...
Wouldn't a better statistic be "Firearm Homicide Rate per 100,000" rather than "Total Homicide Rate from All Causes"?
On that measure, in 2000 the U.S. ranked 9th (out of 37 countries).
Behind only - Colombia, Paraguay, Guatemala, Zimbabwe, Mexico, Costa Rica, Belarus, and Barbados according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
Well, is that bad or good?
I suppose it depends on your perspective.
- Only about 1/18 as bad as Colombia.
- About the same as Lithuania and Slovakia.
- and much worse than New Zealand, England, and Singapore.
Why do Americans own so many guns?
(In rough order of importance)
1) Canadians are scary!
2) Personal protection. It is better to have one and not need it, than need one and not have it.
3) The world is a dangerous place.
4) Hunting and recreation
Why are Americans allowed to own guns?
1) It is provided for in the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
2) Illegal firearms are, and will likely continue to be, readily available - so eliminating the right would, in effect, only eliminate it for those willing to obtain them legally.
3) Personal firearms are likely not sufficient to overthrow the U.S. military / government and thus pose no significant threat to (or defense from) the state. (even if this was true at some point in history)
Why are Americans so scared that they feel that they need a gun to protect themselves?
Why are they so "scared" that they feel need to put locks on their doors? :dunno:
I wonder, is that simply paranoia too? If not, what is a well defined "paranoia test" for personal protection?
I understand your point about the cyclical nature of fear and violence, but where should the line be drawn?
Should bodyguards still be allowed to carry firearms? Doesn't it serve any protective benefit?
The better question is - "Why do they think they
only need a gun to protect themselves from something like tyranny?"
Personal firearms are reasonable and sufficient protection against some crimes, but not a modern industrialized tyrannical state should it arise. IMO
Tyranny is best opposed not when the oppressor is already at your door, but through collective peaceful action by a variety of means in order to limit tyrannical power at very early stages.
I am also doubtful as to the benefit of an impromptu militia with legal, civilian owned SALW to provide any serious protection against modern military threats to the United States.
:2 cents: