Am I the only member that exists?


I am the-voice-in-your-head No465

Where's that £20 you owe me?
Meet me in St Louis.

I would, but St Louis doesn't exist.

Meet me in my bathroom, you should already know where it is.

^^ I like that post BlueBalls and I'm sure you remember me don't you sporty_carr? :wave2:

Of course.

I remember all 12,388 of my creations.

Where's that £20 you owe me?

Further proof that none of you really exist.

A real person would have asked for $20.


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
What if I'm actually the only one who exists and youre all a figment of MY imagination? what sporty_carr's just a character I created in my mind to relay my own subconscious fear? What If everything that happens happens because of me? Am I the chosen one?.....
OMG im freaking out right now! Somebody hold me! N-No wait a minute! none of you are real get the hell away from me get outta my head!


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I am everything, and nothing.

I am everywhere, and nowhere.
If we don't exsist... yet you do.. How do you know you exsist? How do you know your not a figment of our collective imagination? Perhaps all of us don't exsist.

This is a good theory, but I don't think it is accurate. Perhaps I am somebody else's dream? It would certainly explain the tap dancing leprechaun I saw earlier. Shit, I hope he doesn't wake up! :eek:


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
This is a good theory, but I don't think it is accurate. Perhaps I am somebody else's dream? It would certainly explain the tap dancing leprechaun I saw earlier. Shit, I hope he doesn't wake up! :eek:
This reminds me of the movie Jacob's ladder. You think the guy is having a psychological breakdown but it turns out his whole life was all a delusion and he actually died in Vietnam. Trippy man.
Free your mind, Neo.
How's this for your personal imagination!?

Now your world is shattered and we still exist. Who owns who???

That's what I thought! Take your imagination and phunk off!

Sorry for my late response. The person who is dreaming that I/we exist dreamed that I was asleep.

I clicked on the link and the image was blank.......what was it supposed to be figment Whimsy? Perhaps you just imagined you sent me an offensive image when in fact you never really sent me anything at all?

Besides, like I'm going to listen to a leprechaun murdering figment. ;)

Hey whimsy wanna know what I did to Kimmy teen in my imagination?:thefinger

You imagined that too? :confused:
This is a good theory, but I don't think it is accurate. Perhaps I am somebody else's dream? It would certainly explain the tap dancing leprechaun I saw earlier. Shit, I hope he doesn't wake up! :eek:

Well anything is possible. However if someone is dreaming me.... damn they need better dreams.


Sometimes!! :dunno:

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Its Ok everybody calm down I've seen this type of behavior before, I am NOT a doctor, but I am familiar with dispensing drugs :uohs: its simply called drug withdrawal, all the patient needs is a dose of his usual cocktail rammed down his fuckin throat (god only knows what that is) and he'll be a totally different person.

Once the patient is subjected to his normal drug cocktail, and the patient comes back to reality he is then informed he's been suffering from whats AKA known as drug / medication withdrawal and has commonly suffered a period of delusional psychosis or has been stuck in a deep imaginary state of mind. Welcome Back Sporty_Car you crazy MF'er!