Allow Open Carry of Firearms at GOP Convention


GOP voters shoud have the right to protect themsleves from any muslim jihadist, black panthers murderers or mexican rapists, gay pedophiles or liberal communists that could pose a threat to their convention. Let's just hope they don't start shooting at each other...

Will E Worm

Agreed, gun free zones are unamerican.




Closed Account
Signed as well. Anything to keep our leaders safer. After all open carry laws on college campuses make students safer.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
This is the dumbest straw man argument I've seen in a while.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Gun free zones are easy targets. That's why I avoid them when possible unless they actually have armed professionals on patrol.

This is just some masterful trolling by the cock chuggers at
Imagine being so closed minded to actually believing that open carry zones are somehow safe.
. Every major mass shooting ( major meaning more than 4 so you can understand) in the past 10 years has taken place in soft target areas known as gun free zones.


There is only one way they are going to know if you violated the law.
these fucking euros. You guys are about to reap the whirlwind. I'd be more concerned about that right now if I were you.

There was a mass shooting in a school in Scotland in 1996, the UK government immediately put in place stricter gun controls.

Number of mass shootings in the UK since then?

. Every major mass shooting ( major meaning more than 4 so you can understand) in the past 10 years has taken place in soft target areas known as gun free zones.


There is only one way they are going to know if you violated the law.

Here's a crazy idea... don't allow the open carrying of firearms anywhere and put in place stricter gun controls and amend the 300 year old piece of paper which says that you can carry weapons.

Just a hunch but there might just be a reduction in the number of mass shootings if you do.
Here's a crazy idea... don't allow the open carrying of firearms anywhere and put in place stricter gun controls and amend the 300 year old piece of paper which says that you can carry weapons.

Just a hunch but there might just be a reduction in the number of mass shootings if you do.

Our Constitution was ratified in 1788 it is barely 228 years old.

The 2nd Amendment was not created to stop fools with arms unless the fool is the government.

It is not a living breathing document.

It has served us well thus far.

Mind your own fucked up country.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I hope everybody protects him-/herself 24/7 in the GOP convention. There are some shady people trying to hijack the party, and there is only one way to stop them.

Protect the USA. Bring enough ammo.
Our Constitution was ratified in 1788 it is barely 228 years old.

The 2nd Amendment was not created to stop fools with arms unless the fool is the government.

It is not a living breathing document.

It has served us well thus far.

Mind your own fucked up country.

try telling that to the 1.000s of people needlessly killed by firearms all because a piece of paper says its ok to carry a gun
or the millions of people who hold a driver's license which allows them to drive and buy alcohol.

it's illegal to drink and drive, just like it's illegal to commit murder with a gun.

more people are needlessly killed by drunk drivers in this country than by firearms.
or the millions of people who hold a driver's license which allows them to drive and buy alcohol.

it's illegal to drink and drive, just like it's illegal to commit murder with a gun.

more people are needlessly killed by drunk drivers in this country than by firearms.

i dont even know what point you are trying to make here.